Free Time Events

554 18 15

"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!" Monokuma's good morning announcement rang out. I sat up in bed groggily, my vision was still partially fuzzy.

I gripped my head in pain, my head was swarming with thoughts and a burning sensation. I tensed up, shaking like crazy. Did I have a nightmare or something? Or am I just genuinely a wreck?

I sighed as I went to my dresser. I picked out a white shirt with a black velvet vest. I also picked out a red ribbon that wraps around my neck, which I'll try to tie into a bow. Lastly I picked out a black knee-length skirt and white socks that go past my ankles. After that, I went to the bathroom to put on the outfit. I put a black scrunchie around my right wrist, and I slipped on black flat shoes.

I brushed my hair and my teeth, then washed my face. After that, I left the bathroom and went outside of my dorm room. I took a deep inhale. The air was musty, and it reminded me of classic school air.

"Good morning, Y/N!" Taka greeted me.

"Oh hey! How did you sleep?" I wondered.

"Fantastic! We'll start our breakfast meeting shortly," He informed me. I nodded my head.

"Okay! Sounds good!"

I smiled as I left the dormitory hallway. I decided to go to the cafeteria and grab myself a cup of coffee, just to start off my day with a bit of caffeine. While I entered the cafeteria, it seemed like Kyoko, Togami, and Toko were already there. When Toko saw me, her head perked up and she bashfully smiled.

"Hey Toko," I greeted her.

"H-Hey Master..." Toko muttered, her hands collapsed over her chest as her cheeks flushed up.

"How'd you sleep last night?" I wondered.

"W-W-Wonderful!" She exclaimed.

"Would you like some coffee or tea?" I asked her as I went into the kitchen. Toko followed me timidly.

"I'm not t-t-thirst right now...but thanks."

"Alright," I replied as I placed the mug into the coffee maker. The machine made a whirring noise as the coffee came out and into a Monokuma-themed mug. After the coffee filled the mug, I put some caramel creamer in and a few spoonfuls of sugar.

"Wh-What's your favorite type of coffee?" Toko asked me, placing a finger on her chin in curiosity.

"Hmm...depends on the coffee. If iced coffee, I like caramel or peppermint. If it's regular coffee, I usually drink coffee with creamer, since I can't stand black coffee," I explained. Toko hummed in agreement.

" coffee i-is the worst..." Toko sighed. While we were talking, Makoto and Sayaka came into the room.

"Oh, hey Naegi-san and Maizono-san!"

"You can just call me Sayaka, no need to be so formal!" Sayaka informed me, Makoto nodded in agreement.

"Okay!" I exclaimed. "What's up?"

"We just wanted to find something for Sayaka. For defense," Makoto explained. I raised an eyebrow for him to elaborate. "Sayaka is worried about being attacked during the night, and we're looking for defense things, just in case. As an extra precaution."

"Ohh! That's a great idea! I should look for defense too..." I muttered the last part to myself.

"I me-mean...why would an-anybody want to kill somebody like you in the f-first place?" Toko hissed, her fists were clenched. Sayaka tilted her head, unsure how to respond.

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