Caring For One Another

496 17 9

After breakfast, Taka made an announcement.

"Since we've finished eating, we should explore the 2nd floor!"

"I agree!" I exclaimed. "Who knows, m-maybe there will be a way to escape."

The pain was burning, the blood was soaking the bandages that were around half of my body, and my vision was starting to become blurry. But I tried to smile at the others, even through the stinging pain.

"We can only hope," Celeste agrees. Her expression was blank and emotionless, but her voice had a hint of excitement to it at the mere thought of escaping.

"Um...Y/N? I don't mean to pester but I feel like you should rest or something..." Chihiro muttered. "Since you're bleeding out pretty bad."

"Yeah," Mondo sighed. "You're still fucking bleeding."

"Alright...if you guys find anything useful, please let me know~!" I said in a sing-song tone.

"We will, don't worry," Makoto reassured me.

"Good luck with the investigation, you guys!" I exclaimed as I waved goodbye. I skipped away from the dining hall and into my dorm room. My body felt like it was pulsating...and it honestly hurt. The stinging was unbearable, and I wish that I would just...feel normal again.

I plopped down onto my bed, wincing at the burning pain that felt like I was getting stabbed over and over again. How am I not dying? With the blood loss, you would think I'd die--or at least faint--from the blood loss.

I was staring at the ceiling. The only thing I could hear is the ringing in my ears and my rapid heart beat. While I was lying down, thinking over everything that has been going on right now, there was a knock on my door.

I sat up in my bed, pain was blooming in my chest and left arm. I pressed my feet down on the ground and wobbled over to the door. I opened the door and saw Sakura, holding a styrofoam cup with a lid of sorts.

"Hey. I was wondering if you wanted some protein coffee? It helps muscle aches, and certain pains. At least, for me it helps."

"S-Sure!" I stuttered from the immense pain. Sakura gave me the styrofoam cup.

"Are you doing alright?"

"I'll be fine. I appreciate the protein coffee."

"You're welcome. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, okay?"

I nodded, forcing my lips to curl upward.

"Alright-y! I'll let you know if I need anything!"

She smiled, though with a hint of worry, as I closed the door. I wobbled back to my bed and started drinking the protein coffee she gave me. It was pretty bitter, but there was a hint of pleasant vanilla. I finished the coffee pretty quickly, since I just realized how thirsty I am.

I placed the empty cup on my bedside table as I tried to get into a comfortable position by moving my pillows and blankets around, just for leverage. My skin was pulsating in pain, and I even started getting a headache because of the constant blood loss.

I closed my eyes, trying to not think about the burning pain that was spreading through my entire body. My head was burning with agonizing pain. All I wanted was to sleep. Just to get my head off of the pain that I was experiencing.

"Y/N...?" A voice rang through the room as my dorm door opened. I slowly opened my eyes as I lightly pushed my body backwards so I was in a sloppy sitting position. It was 'Junko,' she walked in my room with a sad smile spread across her face. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright," I lied. "The pain sucks, but I'll get through it."

Junko sighed. She went over to me and sat on the end of my bed. "U-Um...I just wanted to thank you. You know, for saving me from him. I didn't know he would try to kill me...and you saving me from that...was really heroic."

"It really is no biggie. Just don't attack Monokuma again. Who knows what crap he'll do next."

Junko giggled and nodded. Her body movements were swift, and she had a "soft look" in her eyes, that showed some form of empathy. Something you don't ever even see in the game...maybe this is Mukuro's true personality. Maybe this is the Mukuro that wanted to help her sister--Junko--out no matter the cost. Maybe this is the Mukuro that had a kind and sweet personality, even behind her Junko facade.

"Yeah, I better watch out next time," Junko chuckled. Her blueish-gray eyes were looking into mine, and I almost felt a sense of clarity behind her stare. "Well, I best get going. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to tell me! It's my way of saying 'thank you' for saving me!"

"Alright, I will!" I replied. Junko waves goodbye with a one-eyed smile as she leaves. I weakly smiled as I stared at the door. I was happy that 'Junko' wanted to talk and check up on me, when she only cares about her sister, and nobody else. At least, that's proven from the games and books from Danganronpa. So...why was she surprisingly kind to me when I certainly wasn't her sister?

I shook away my suspicions as I laid back down on my bed, slowly drifting away to unconsciousness...


I'm very proud of how this chapter ended up! I enjoyed showing off Mukuro's caring side, since it's something we don't see besides her free time events in the actual game, where it's kinda proven she had a crush on Makoto (at least, that's what her free time events implied). And just like Toko with her change in "Master," Junko will have a change of heart for us. Certainly since nobody has saved her before. We were heroic, and she likes that side about us. But yeah, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have been enjoying this book as a whole!

-What is Mukuro's opinion on Y/N?

-How do you think Junko feels, since Y/N saved her sister from the despair Junko wanted to inflict on herself?

-How do you think we're changing the plot of the story?

𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚂𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 ~Danganronpa x Reader~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora