Toko's Secret

395 21 19

As I was lying down on my bed, eventually the monitor suddenly turned on.

Ding dong, bing bong!

"Ahem. This is an announcement! Everybody, please gather at the gym!" Monokuma's voice rang through my room before the monitor turned off.

Soon everybody was in the gym, waiting for Monokuma to appear and why he told us to go to the gym in the first place.

"What does he want now?" Leon groaned. "It's late and I was about to go to bed."

"I don't know," I sighed, shaking my head.

"This is all stupid," Junko hissed. "Monokuma better hurry up. I'm getting impatient by the second!"

That's when Monokuma showed up.

"Geez, you children are not patient nowadays!" Monokuma mentioned. "But fear not! For I have arrived. I gathered you to the gym to tell you that since a murder had failed, the 3rd floor has now opened! But it seems like you already know who tried murdering who, so I'll let you be while you explore the 3rd floor!" With that, Monokuma disappeared.

"Let's explore the 3rd floor and see what we discover!" Taka exclaimed proudly. After his encouraging words, we all went our own separate ways up to the 3rd floor.

But before I got any exploring done, there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Toko.

"Oh, hey Toko," I greeted her. "Wanna explore the 3rd floor with me?"

Toko looked shocked that I even mentioned it, but hastily nodded. "Y-Y-Yes please!"

I smiled at Toko's enthusiasm. "Alright. Let's start exploring." The first place that Toko and I explore is classroom 3-A. It was a normal classroom with a silly chalkboard drawing again. "What's with these drawings in every classroom...?"

"I h-have no's so s-s-stupid..." Toko agreed. Sakura also seemed to be in the classroom, so I went up to talk to her, Toko trailing behind me.

"The windows up here are also barred with metal plates. Not surprising, I suppose," Sakura mentioned with a sigh.

"We're still trapped here," I groaned. "So annoying."

Sakura grunted in agreement. "But I'd better check all the other metal plates again, just to be sure. Also...Y/N, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I promise," I tell her with a smile. Toko and I left the classroom and went to the Rec Room, which was the new room on the 3rd floor. Celeste seemed to be in there, which I expected. She is the Ultimate Gambler.

"Ooh..." I hummed as I looked around. This room looked a lot more cooler in person than in a video game.

"This is a recreation room. A place for students to come and relax..." Celeste pointed out.

"I doubt a normal school would have a Rec Room like this, though," I mentioned to her. Toko nodded her head in agreement.

"You are right. No normal school would," Celeste agreed. "It has Othello, shogi, even a dartboard and a pool table. And look at this..." She turned her head to a shelf full of magazines. "They have even provided us with a remarkable number of magazines. Those will certainly be helpful in keeping our boredom at bay."

Monokuma suddenly appeared. "Ring ring ring! Hello there! Allow me to explain! We've got fashion, motorcycles, martial arts, video games, baseball, science, all kinds of magazines! Oh, but nothing dirty! This is a school, after all. If you need a quick fix, check out the swimsuit mags!"

"And will you be adding to our collection as new issues come out?" Celeste wondered.

"Sorry, no can do. Even if I wanted to, right now magazines are kinda..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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