Free Time To Save Time

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I left my dorm room and decided not to let my pain stop me from hanging out with somebody today. I decided that I should hang out with Mondo, knowing that the whole "Mondo killing Chihiro" thing is getting closer and closer, so getting closer to both of them will be for the best. And Mondo was also pissed off at Togami today, so maybe cheering him up a bit could be a good thing.

I saw Mondo over to where the exercise room is: on the 2nd ironic, it's the area where Chihiro died in the game. Okay, you know what, let's try to not think about the game right now.

"Hey Mondo!" I greeted, walking over to him and waving.

"Oh, hey Y/N. Something wrong?"

Do you want to hang out with Mondo?

[Yes] [No]

I looked over to the "Yes" option, and then, without controlling myself, I said, "oh! I just wanted to hang out!"

"Alright, why didn't you fucking say so?" Mondo chuckled, grinning ear-to-ear. "This is a random question, but do you ride anything?"

"Ride? Like a motorcycle of sorts?" I wondered.

"Yeah! A hog, if you will," Mondo explained like that explanation was any better.

"I mean, no, but my brother used to. He had me ride it with him once," I tell him. Mondo's eyes lit up with a childish-wonder to them.

"You mean a chick like you has ridden a hog before? I've never heard of a lady fucking riding something like that before. What type of motorcycle did he ride?"

"It was...a Kawasaki, I think?"

Mondo's eyes widened. Either it was complete shock, or he was fucking I even want to know which one it is?

"No fucking way. That's the same brand of bike I fucking ride!" Mondo exclaimed.

"Whoa, really?" I gasped. "That's pretty sweet!"

"You're fucking telling me!" Mondo chuckled. "You should ride with my bike gang at some point! Knowing that your brother rode the same type of hog I do, you must know your shit, yeah?"

"I would say I know a bit. You're from the Crazy Diamond gang, right?"

"Yep! You know your shit for being a chick, that's damn impressive! Ladies like you rarely know shit."

I didn't know whether to be offended or grateful he doesn't see me as an idiot.

"You should thank my brother for that," I tell him.

"You're right! I should!" Mondo agreed. "My brother also rode a motorcycle. His name was Daiya. Of course, I was the cool one."

"That sounds neat! I can't wait to ride with you at some point! If we get out of here, I'll gladly bring my brother along!"

I said that without thinking, just remembering I was in a different world than this video game. my memory from my old life getting hazy? That's bad. VERY bad.

"That would be cool as fuck!" Mondo yelled. "Now I can't wait to get out of here!! Thanks for bringing my hopes up!"

"It's no problem! I promise to get us out of here!"

"I'll keep ya to that promise then!"

With that, I went back to my dorm room. For some odd reason, I felt no more's like the puncture holes had no effect on me anymore...which was weird.

I decided to hang out with Chihiro now. Since I already hang out with Mondo, it's only suitable to hang out with Chihiro as well, isn't it? I found them in the dining hall, holding onto their arm in subtle pain.

"!" Chihiro muttered.

"What's wrong, Chi-chi?" I wondered.

"Ahh it hurts--!" Chihiro gasped.

"What hurts? What happened?"

"U-Um...I got bit by a mosquito last night..."

"Oh! Can I please see it?"

Chihiro nodded wordlessly as they showed me their bite. There was an irritated red bump that was a clear contrast to their pale skin.

"Oh God, Chi--!" I yelped.

"It's way past itchy now. It really hurts...!"

"Did it bite you while you were asleep?"

"Oh, no. I was awake."

"You didn't notice it?"

"No, I noticed it...but...I felt it bite me, and I looked down at it. But I didn't do anything. I just sat there and watched it suck my blood..."

"Why didn't you kill it?"

"Cuz that would've killed it, right?"

"Well, yeah."

"It must have been really hungry to suck that much blood. If it was that hungry, it would've been really sad not to let it have anything."

"I guess I see your point, but still, it's only a mosquito."

"Mosquitos are living things too, though. It might have its own mosquito family... S-Sorry, I know that's dumb..."

"You don't have to apologize! It's fine! Just don't itch it, okay?"

"But what if it gets so itchy I can't take it?"

"In that case, just take the tip of your fingernail and push it into the bump. That'll help."

"Wow--! I had no idea! You're so smart, Y/N!"

They smiled sweetly, a light blush spreading across their face.

"But anyway, don't you think it's kinda strange?"

"Oh? What is?" I wondered.

"Well this school is completely sealed off, right? So how'd a mosquito get in? Maybe there's somewhere here in the school where bugs can live and grow. Some kind of...nature-y spot. Or or or! Maybe there's a secret passage somewhere that leads out of the school!"

"Ooh maybe! But, no matter what, we'll get out of here together!"

"You're right! Working together is important. Of course, I dunno how I can be useful. I'll probably just weigh you all down..."

"That's not true at all! You'll be very helpful in helping us escape! It makes me feel better knowing you're here to help."

"I-It does? Really...?"

"Of course! So let's do our best, okay?"

"O-Okay! Eheh... Thank you, Y/N!"

"It's no problem! I got to go, I'll talk to you later, okay?"


I waved goodbye as I left Chihiro, and headed to my room for the rest of the night.

"Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then...sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..." Monokuma's nighttime alarm rang through the room.

I sighed as I wrote down in my notebook, and then laid down in my bed, slowly drifting off to sleep...


Honestly, I'm pretty proud with how this chapter went out, even if it was just free time events! I'm also excited to write the scene with Mondo and Chihiro, since I have a plan with what I'm going to do with that one, and it will be heartfelt. With that being said, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, and I hope have a wonderful rest of your day!

-How much do you think Mondo and Chihiro trusts us?

-Why is Byakuya always being a "lone wolf"?

-Why do you think we're slowly losing our memories from our actual life?

𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚂𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 ~Danganronpa x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now