63. 'Gentle' Master of War.

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I watch fighting the rage threatening to consume Rhian and my guilt as they bring her in unconscious. If Nyx hadn't gotten to me in time... no I refuse to even think it.

Andrei, her young mate, refuses to let go of her hand climbing into the bed beside her, I'd applaud his bravery if the situation wasn't so tense. Not many people faced off against Khalil especially when he was furious and lived to tell the tale.

Khalil lets him be and turns to the rest of her mates, Keon looks stunned and spooked; I've seen it enough times to know he's about to snap, the other one who's in denial looks like he's frustrated about something but doesn't know what, Blue is sobbing on Khalil's mate's shoulders, Nyx is flying around the room anxiously and the prince's friends are trying to make themselves as small as possible Mor with them, wary eyes fixed on the fuming father. It is chaos in the room.

"What the fuck happened?" Khalil shouts and everyone takes a step back, yeah the man was terrifying.

"She was sparring with Kon—"

"She was what!"

Killian has the sense to shut up, he knew he had messed up by letting all that happen.

"Why was my daughter sparring? With Konte no less, when all of you are fucking aware she knows jack shit about combat."

"But every new student has to—"

"Every new student Killian," Khalil pauses gathering himself, the man was steaming mad, "Has grown up here, they have had training since they could fucking walk, they spar to figure out their skill level, beginners do— not— spar!!!!!" he's vibrating now and the building starts to shake.

Uh, your highness, I'm all for beating their asses up but please do not bring down this building, it's my best work.

It's crazy how those words from Dru have him turning away from everyone and pacing while trying to calm down. After a while, the place stops shaking. Even he didn't want to cross Dru, it's wise to pick your battles even in the heat of the moment.

"What was it that drove all of you to let any of that happen? You are her mates, her friends!"

Eliane moves around her fuming mate pointedly ignoring him; towards the bed placing Blue on Mahina, she then surrounds them and her in a bubble pushing Andrei from the bed in the process. See, picking battles.

Andrei snarls going to object when Khalil lets the firm hold he had on his anger for all but two seconds free. I should have moved inside Eliane's barrier.

Everyone flinches the younger boys falling to their knees, Nyx freezes in the air and then promptly disappears with a poof, coward. I watch still obscured in the shadows as Khalil does what I was itching to do from the start.

"I can't believe you also let it happen," he says turning to Keon who still looks like he's about to lose it. Khalil must see it too because he uses his power to command Keon to leave.

"Go, before you lose it in here, go! Keon, she'll still be here when you get back," he adds when the man looks torn.

Nodding his head still in a daze, Keon disappears in a whoosh of sparks and smoke. I pity anyone who got in his way.

Khalil then turns, eyes zeroing in directly on me, bastard knew I was here all along.

"Thank you, Rhys, I don't even want to think what would have happened if you hadn't been there."

The rest of the guys startle looking towards my direction and I decide I had played in the shadows long enough.

I ignore the gasps and startled shouts as I turn corporeal fixing my eyes on Killian.

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