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THE EUBANKS FAMILY HOME was filled to the brim with memories, both the good ones and the bad, and everything Talullah touched gave her a glimpse of the human life that she used to lead.

The brunette's free hand drifted against the crevices of the home, gliding against the painted walls as she walked alongside Sam Uley. Dawson Graves trailed behind with a smile on his face whenever Talullah spoke of a memory, and based on the brief feelings of recollection that began to bubble their way into her mind, she knew that these boys were her very best friends.

Although, sometimes it felt like the man holding her hand in his, softly enough as though he forgot she was almost indestructible, was something more than just a friendly companion. She couldn't voice her opinion on that, though, because it was merely a feeling; she had yet to uncover something concrete, so she kept silent.

Her journey around the home she grew up in was more of a guided tour, the boys dragging her in different directions of the bungalow to see what she could remember. The kitchen brought up fonder memories, but touching the wooden paneling of its entryway shocked her into the dense memory of an argument she had with her parents — shocked her into the conservations she had with her friends about it. She had wanted to be a doctor, but suddenly didn't anymore, and for some reason she couldn't fathom why her parents wanted to be rid of her.

A creeping thought raced into her mind, settling in discomfortingly. What if Aro was right? What if the Volturi were the only people who wanted her? Her rigid stance must have set Sam off, who gently squeezed her hand and whipped to move in front of her. "You okay?"

Dawson appeared too, lurking over the Uley man's shoulder with his own expression of concern. Talullah waved them off with her free hand, not daring to move her other one from Sam's. "Let's continue, yeah?"


The final stop within the house was a room behind a closed door. For some reason she had hesitated, raising a fist as though she was going to knock before lowering her hand back to her side. Nonetheless, she found herself watching Dawson as he pushed the wooden door open with his palm to reveal a quaint room.

No, it was her bedroom. Everything within her being was screaming at her that this space was hers. She felt a pull, dropping Sam's hand as she practically darted into the room. Her hazy crimson eyes flickered around, the neatness of it and the stale smell in the air was a clear indicator that no one had been in here in quite some time.

"Time capsule," she stated, although, she was unaware of what a time capsule was. It was the first thing to pop into her mind as she took in all of her belongings around her.

Dawson chuckled, entering the room and taking a leisurely seat on top of her desk that had a sheen layer of dust coating it's surface. "That's one way to describe it," he said, also looking around the room before he sighed out, "I think this is the only place on the Rez that hasn't changed. At all."

Talullah deeply inhaled, and underneath the lingering scent of staleness was the slightly bitter smell that she often smelt from the shifters. Only, this scent was incredibly familiar, and she couldn't help but immediately lock eyes with Sam. "You came here a lot, didn't you?" her Cheshire smile was teasing, almost like she enjoyed the fact that despite her absence, he was still seeking her out in any way that he could.

"Your dad wanted to repaint the walls once and your mom flipped her shit," Sam added, small smile peeking onto his chiseled face as he tried to switch the topic. "I helped her clean a couple times, okay?"

Talullah hummed, grinning at Sam's poor excuse of a distraction before her eyes latched onto something balled up on the floor near her bed that was pushed into the corner of the small room. It was a black shirt —no, it was a hoodie— that was carelessly forgotten about. The bold red lettering on it was like a crest, spelling out the word Cornell. Based on what she remembered whilst she was in the kitchen, this was the same college sweatshirt she had all those years ago.

"Did you guys want me to go to college far away?" she asked, airy tone of voice as she stared at the piece of thick fabric.

"Not really."

"Fuck no."

The voices sounded at the same time, issuing Talullah to spin towards them with a questioning look in her eyes. The two merely bickered for a moment, talking over each other as the vampire among them merely thought that she valued their honesty. She could've used more of this blunt honesty when she'd asked them of their thoughts three years ago, rather than listen to them 'support her no matter what'.

"It was really obvious you didn't wanna go, Tal," the Graves boy said with a roll of his eyes. "But your folks wanted to give you a chance at something better than this."

Talullah held back a snarl, almost feeling the same annoyance she felt when she recounted the discussion with her parents on their insistence to send her away for school. With the memory back in her grasp, the fight felt like it happened just yesterday.

"Enough about college," Sam said, arms crossed as he stood in the doorway. His eyes never wavered from Talullah's face, and it was apparent that the man didn't enjoy talking about the what ifs of his best friend's life. "Remember anything else?"

She shook her head, gesturing around the room. "All I know is that this is mine," she mumbled, almost possessively much to her inner shock. She had finer quarters back in Volterra, but this small room just radiated a sense of homeliness despite the fact that the room was basically a crypt. It was sort of fitting in a way.

After a beat, after a final glance around her room, she noticed a pair of headlights roll into the gravelled driveway. Body impulsively leaning towards the window she looked out of, she remembered what Dawson stated earlier about when Laurence Eubanks would be returning. It was him, switching the headlights off before he slowly opened the car door. She kept inching forward, noticing a lack of her mother's presence, when Sam's voice interrupted her. "I think that's enough for today, Lulu," he told her, pulling the vampire into his chest and exhaled, "I'll see you in three days."

She relaxed in his hold but was yet to embrace him, hands sticking to her sides as she ignored every instinct that told her to run outside, go see your father. Talullah knew it wouldn't be wise; he was a human and she still had rules to uphold. Although certain humans like Dawson and Bella Swan seemed to know about the supernatural, she'd be damned if she was the one to rat out their existence further.

But she would be back, because despite getting some memories back in her possession, there were two things that still remained unknown; one of which being what happened to her mother, why hadn't she come home with Laurance, and the other being what happened the night of Dawson Graves' end of summer party.

She needed to know what happened the night she died.

"Till then." She was about to close her eyes, about to apparate back into her own vessel back in Volterra, when she had the urge to look at the other man in the room.

"Nice to see you again, Dawson."


[ wyn's note ]

hey y'all! just a filler chapter but hope you guys enjoyed :) prepare as we return to volterra and see some volturi shenanigans very soon!

also, we are almost at 1000 views — holy crap! cant say it enough but thank you friends!

all my love :)

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