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AFTER LEAVING THE OLYMPIC TERRITORY WITH HER HEAD STILL ON HER SHOULDERS, Talullah found herself standing in the spot she would occupy whenever she came to see Sam Uley. 

Only, there was one problem; it wasn't the third day. She was late by two days.

The pair had retained their simple schedule for weeks without it being derailed, but Aro's task to deliver the gift on a certain day had effectively ruined that. Thus, it was no surprise that as the sun barely hovered over the horizon, there was no brooding man in sight.

But she stayed, sat cross legged on a fallen log and listened to the sounds of the forest as the sun faded away. She had never been to their spot in her actual body, only ever being around Sam using a cloned vessel. The brunette was vulnerable, now, a willing target to anyone strong enough to rip off her marble head and toss it into an open flame. It should've unsettled her, but the threat of Aro's wrath loomed over all else, and she remained still.

As Talullah sat basking in the nature around her, she pondered her next steps. Indeed she thought home would give her a semblance of temporary sanctuary, but she was unsure of what it actually was. Was it her human home, the building itself reeking of comfort and familiarity amidst its staleness? Or was home not a building, but a person? A person like Sam, who she'd grown to develop what some would call a friendship with?

Shaking herself from her stupor, she realized she was being naive. At the end of the day, Sam was a shifter and she was a vampire — their biologies would never allow for it, especially as Talullah was choosing to forgo utilizing her clones since it left her host body vulnerable to harm. Her human home was the safest bet, for she could hide herself within its walls without being detected by its seemingly sole owner. Only problem was that she had yet to see the sole owner, her very much human father, and the restraint would be hard to endure.

Closing her eyes and humming to the tune of the whistling wind, she sat in thought. All she wanted was home.


She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but a twig snapping violently to her right had Talullah's crimson eyes snapping open. Her body instantly jumped into a defensive pose, gaze canvassing the dense brush around her as she tracked something's movement.   

A soft breeze swept through the area and an oh-so nauseating smell filled her sense immediately. Before she could even move from her crouched position, a familiar figure jumped out of the brush with a wild smile on his face. His cropped hair was subtly sticking to his forehead, causing a flash of a memory to flicker; a flash of Talullah fixing the boy's hair when he was much younger appearing in her mind.

It settled the ache in her chest for a moment, and she couldn't help but wonder why.

Relaxing only slightly, she found herself crossing her arms over her chest. "Embry," she greeted with a nod, eyes tracking his movements as he stilled in place just a few feet in front of her.

"I knew it was you!" he practically cheered, teeth on display to show off his excitement. He was giddy enough to find her, but the fact that she recalled his name was definitely an added bonus in his eyes. "You smell like you, but definitely way worse — oh, but, no offence though."

Talullah huffed. "You smell rancid, so yeah, none taken."

Embry laughed it off, but once his brief fit of laughter ceased he took a more inquisitive tone. "What're you doing here? Sam said you didn't show the other day," he told her, voice lowering despite it just being the two of them in this part of the forest. "Dude's been in a crap mood and is taking it out on us; making us patrol the area incase you showed 'n shit."

Sam had told her enough about shifter dynamics merely a week ago, implying that he was their leader in an unspoken way that had Talullah second-guessing whether or not she was truly allowed to be in on such secrets. For that reason she tended not to pry on the subject despite a growing fascination for it, but Embry's words solidified her thought; Sam was the Alpha.

But something warm nestled itself in Talullah's chest at the teen's statement. It seemed as though just as the brunette was holding onto hope that Sam may show, he too was hoping she would eventually return after a disrupt in their schedule. 

"I was held up," she responded simply, not wanting to give away too much of what transpired in Volterra or what the real reason was for her arrival in general. "Does he know that I'm—"

"Oh, duh. Called for him right when I noticed your scent," Embry said proudly, tapping his head and puffing out his chest in a way that made a sharp chuckle escape from Talullah. The sound made her slap a hand over her mouth, lips downturned while the boy's eyes seemed to shine. "It's nice to hear you laugh, Tal."

Talullah lowered her hand, clearing her throat as a way to diverge topics before she heard at least three pairs of wolf-like footsteps sprinting their way from in front of them. She was just expecting one pair, Sam's pair, not three. The young vampire found herself subconsciously drifting toward the taller teen, and if he noticed the action, he definitely didn't mention it. Rather, he shifted his body in front of hers by the tiniest amount, knowing it might provide her with a feeling of protection.

Funny, because Embry knew she had enough strength to snap him like a twig despite her smaller stature. But then again, so could he.

She could hear the three wolves halt their movements before stepping into her line of vision as humans. Two of them were undeniably unrecognizable, but they flanked the taller man who Talullah was truly there to see. When their gazes met, all that could be heard was a sharp gasp of air from one and a pitiful, low sound that was punched out of the other.

Sam Uley; the man who always wore a stern, stony look on his face despite the gentle touches he gave out to her, was looking utterly dumbfounded as his jaw went slack. His mouth hanging open as if he was seeing her for the first time.

Yet as he stood there looking at her in a trance-like state, all Talullah could think about was how his eyes were the most fascinating shade of brown. She took a meek step forward with a doe-like gaze, as if she was seeing him for the first time, too.


[ wyn's note ]

holy crap!!!! first time around the shifters in her own body, not a clone, and BOOM the air has shifted. stay on your toes cause the lovey lovey (with angst duh) is coming up!!

also i adore embry as much as he adores talullah; she was like the older sister that he always wanted :( ugh love my babies

much love! xx

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