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"I can't marry him Mom. Ryan is my best friend, that was just our mistake. We were drunk! I just can't marry him, it's all about my whole life!", I stepped back making my decision clear.

I won't marry him at any cost! And that's final.

I turned my back around, leaving the room and headed towards stairs but my Mom's scream stopped me...

"Lizz.... Your Dad!!!!!", it was like a sudden explosion happened inside my head, my world seems to stop right there at that moment.

"No.... Dad....", and I ran back holding my breathe inside my chest.

Dad had multiple heart issues after losing their real daughter but from the day Mom and Dad adopted me, he never faced such issues again.

And now, it happened again and I was the only reason behind that.

We took him to the hospital immediately, it was a minor cardiac pain and now, his situation was controllable.

I can't lose him.... I just can't.

They had never let me feel like an orphan again and whatever I'm today, it's all because of my Mom and Dad. They are the meaning of parents to me. So, letting them down again?

No chance!

"Everything will be fine Mom.... I'm sorry, it all happened because of me. I'm the only reason behind all this.... I will make sure Dad never faces any problem again. I promise" and I cried in her arms.

So, I was left with no option, I can't ruin my parents'life and their business.... His hard work is there..... So I will sacrifice by marrying Ryan and I decided this with no more doubts held inside me.

I always dreamt of marrying my love and now, everything seems to be opposite as I'm left with none. Sorry Ryan! I'm not of your type.... But this has to be our fate, my fate!

It's been 2 months since our marriage, that tragedy of our life, and I'm still paying for it with every bit of my life. After 10 days of Dad's health got fully cured, we got married!

Believe me! I felt his hatred filled daggers on me for putting him in this.... But it was not my total fault, we were equal in that!

But he just treated me like his other whores!

He could have supported me but he didn't for which I hate him the most. Just for playing with my emotions!

He didn't see any of my miseries and my helplessness.

He just treated me like his whores, breaking my dream of being loved by my husband, in pieces. He left me!

And he was my best friend..... Like wow!

He never felt my pain!!!!

I was afraid of losing my parents, I was afraid of being an orphan again but a brat womanizer like him will never understand that. He was just born with silver spoon in his mouth.

No more expectations from him!

Ryan Woods.... I will never forgive you because all you thought was about your Chairmanship, your business, the women running behind you and you sleeping beside them every night.

But not about the one who was always there for you.....

I did my deeds with an open heart as a best friend and I will play my part as a wife too. I don't believe in giving up. I don't believe in manipulating relations. Every relationship needs to be respected. I will not break my family's trust. They are everything to me.

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