Malibu barbie

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It was with the suddenness of it all, that she felt her mind reeling. Being carried into the hallway, she was met with the sight of a large hallway, one that had a slight bend on the left of it.

'Great, just great.', Alexa found herself even more unsure now, these women had some wealth of sorts. Could they have possibly bought her..

She attempted to rip this thought from her head, she'd think she would've known if she was up for a sale; not that she was anything that could be sold. It was with her fear, that she failed to properly look around the halls, looking for any room they could possibly help her leave.

The word escape might've been more applicable, but that would imply they were keeping her as a hostage, and she'd rather not dwell on thoughts like that.

Her train of thought was suddenly pulled back when they reached a flight of stairs, Alexa realised that the woman had no intention of putting her down. A surge of anxiety incited in the girl, "I can walk!".

The blonde gave a comforting smile- or at least comforting to herself. "I can get Daisy if you'd prefer? but you really can't be walking down stairs by yourself."

"Why not!", the girl had bit back impulsively, her timidness melting to form a rage she couldn't quite conceal. Lottie looked slightly disappointed, "you can't hold onto the stair railings with your arms, you'd injure yourself.", the worst part about it had been how genuine her words had been, as if she truly believed the girl couldn't walk down the stairs.

That seemed to be the end of that conversation between the two, the woman she now deemed to be 'Malibu Barbie", made her way down the stairs. Alexa felt as though she should hold on tighter to the women, but that felt painfully counterproductive.

So she stayed still, she didn't cling like a koala, but she wasn't as wriggly as a kitten waiting to pounce however, she was a possum- playing dead. "That was very brave of you.", Barbie had whispered, Alexa hoped the woman had been mocking her, that unfortunately didn't seem to be the case. It was now that Alexa decided to begin her fight, given she had no chance for flight.

The girl twisted and turned, squirming the best to her ability. The blonde shook her head disapprovingly, "I'm not going to drop you love, you can squirm all you wish.", her condescending tone had begun to leak through the words. Alexa felt her blood run cold, how the woman spoke so nonchalantly, how she was regarded with the same tone as a misbehaving child.

She remained stiff, not to submit to the blonde, but merely so she could focus her energy back on the situation.

Her head turned all around as the woman walked, peering around at her surroundings. She looked for a door perhaps, or even a window she could slip through. They did eventually pass a front door, enough locks on it to make the girl wince. Lottie noticed her reaction, she leaned in to whisper, "my wife is a stickler for security, she likes to make sure no unauthorised hands can get out, as much as they can get in."

On instinct, Alexa pulled away as she far as she could from the women. "You don't need to worry about that though sweetie.", with the front door no longer being an option, she peered around for more options. Her head twisted and turned, "if you ask nicely after our talk, I'm sure we could give you a tour around your new home.", the girl wasn't sure whether she was being purposefully ignorant, or whether she truly believed that she wanted a tour.

The use of the word 'home' didn't slip completely from Alexa, leaving a nauseous feeling in her stomach. They walked into what she presumed to be a dining room, she focused on the kitchen that was off to the side, no door between the two rooms.

"What have you been telling our baby?", Daisy walked through from the kitchen, an apron over her clothes. "Just letting our girl know that she can get a tour of her room later.", Lottie grinned to her wife who returned the smile. "You're going to love it Lexie, I handpicked everything.", the brunette had gushed to her.

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