Cold cereal

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She was stubbornly sat in the corner of the crib, knees pulled to her chest. Feeling rather annoyed a few minutes prior, she had pushed the sippy cup through the bars, however no mess was made on the floor. Alexa had frowned when she just saw the sippy cup lasting still, not even a splash of the liquid on the floor.

The cheerios were allowed to stay, more so because she didn't want them to feed her. She refused to eat them, regardless of how much her stomach hurt, it was the first time they weren't practically forcing the food down her throat.

The hunger was currently pushed to the side, her main priority being her bladder. She shifted uncomfortably, squeezing her legs together as she felt a painful twinge. Daisy had asked if she had needed the bathroom this morning, but Alexa wasn't sure what was going to happen, given they were supposedly leaving her 'time to reflect'. Would they take her to the bathroom or...

She didn't want to think about the alternative, being reminded of it when she moved slightly. Alexa had no intent to bend so easily, but to degrade herself to make a point?

It was like fighting in a battle with no winners, she had no choice but to lose. A low whine left her lips, and she knew her time was running out. "I need the bathroom." She simply stated, trying her best to appear nonchalant, as if her inner turmoil had ceased to exist.

Waiting impatiently, she began to chew the inside of her cheek. The door did finally open, Lottie walking into the room. No words were said as the bars of the crib were lowered, Lottie leaned over and silently freed the girls bound wrist. Standing back up straight, she waited for the girl to get out of the bed herself, something Alexa didn't realise for a few moments, being so used to being assisted at every step.

Almost surprised, she swung her legs over the edge, standing on her two feet. With all the running around she did yesterday, her feet did ache ever so slightly, she hadn't done such tenuous activity for quite a while.

The girl stood absent minded, until she felt a slight push in her back, urging her to move forward. She realised what was intended of her and began walking to the bathroom, it almost felt eerie what was going on. Her bare feet padded across the bathroom, and for a moment she thought she was going to get to use the bathroom alone, it seemed her freedom only extended so far however.

Her pull up was tugged down for her, and she felt slightly annoyed that it was done for her, the one act of dignity being taken away from her.

It was an awkward ordeal, how silent the room had been, her cheeks had burned in embarrassment. Leaving the bathroom felt like being led to her cell, and she had considered dashing to the door for a moment, but what would that do?

So she accepted her sentence, halting next to the crib, she couldn't suck down her dignity enough to get back into it moreover. This had never been something expected of her, and this moment almost made her grateful for that. "Being stubborn serves no chance to benefit you." Lottie scolded slightly, the girl was lifted into the bed. Before she had a chance to hide her wrist, it was being tied back to the bar.

The girl was occupied glaring at her rest when she felt something at her lips, she immediately turned her head away, a scowl on her face.

The pacifier was placed in the girls lap instead, "it's much better than biting your cheek." Lottie told her. The bars were put back into place, the blonde beginning her exit of the room, "if you feel hungry, cheerios don't get cold." She stated before the door clicked shut again.

Alexa toyed the pacifier in between her fingers, before throwing it down the bed, it falling near a discarded stuffed animal. The girl let out a frustrated sigh, she picked up a cheerio, staring at it for a moment. She placed it in her mouth, the cereal feeling sinful on her lips. She let it simply sit on her tongue, suddenly finding no desire to chew.

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