I know the end

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"Look at this picture love, it's a wolf." Daisy attempted, holding the book in front of the girl, Alexa sat slumped against the woman. The girl had no want to look at the picture, but she granted a glance anyways, seeing the wolf drawing. Alexa gave a slight nod in recognition, before resting her face back on Daisy's shoulder.

She closed her eyes, "it's not sleepy time yet sweetie." Daisy reminded, readjusting the girl in her hold. Alexa wiggled in Daisy's grasp, no longer wanting to be with the woman, if she couldn't be used as a makeshift pillow.

The hold on her loosened, allowing the girl to slip from Daisy's lap. She settled herself on the floor, lying on her back. Maybe she couldn't sleep, but she could lay down.

"We're indoors, there's no clouds to gaze at." Daisy humoured, not that it affected the girl, she continued staring up at the ceiling. For how colourful the walls were, her ceiling seemed to fail to live up to the same standards. The girl felt too aware of the thick rug beneath her, she wished that she could simply press herself against a solid floor.

Everywhere she was allowed to be, there was a rug to cover the hardwood or carpet. How much she wanted to feel something solid beneath her, to feel like she wasn't being smothered, even if it was by the floor.

Daisy leaned forward, looking at the girl, who didn't even spare a second glance. "Thinking about anything fun?" She questioned, Alexa didn't answer, merely enjoying her makeshift solitude.

The door opened, and it didn't take a genius to know who it was. "Hello my two favourite people." Lottie greeted, Alexa rolled her eyes at the words. The brunette saw the girls actions, yet she attempted to ignore the girls manners- or lack thereof. She waited as Lottie walked over, the woman placing a kiss on Daisy's lips. Daisy realised what Lottie was holding however, making a face at it.

"What's that?" She asked, looking at the bowl of chocolate ice cream in Lottie's hands.

"A tummy full of ice cream is better than a tummy full of nothing." Lottie whispered, "just watch and see."

Lottie knelt beside the girl, placing the bowl on the floor. "I have a surprise for you Lexie." She told the girl, whose idea of 'surprises' had become pretty warped, given the nature of what the women considered to be fun. Alexa closed her eyes, hoping to ignore the blonde.

Then she felt something drip against her lips, her eyes immediately snapped open, sitting up immediately. She looked in alarm, she brought her fingers to her mouth. Alexa pulled her hand away, to see brown splotches, "it's just ice cream, nothing to be scared of angel."

Alexa eyed the ice cream, she rolled her lips inwards, tasting a sliver of the ice cream. They'd never offered her ice cream before, she hated how they were attempting to bribe her, and how it was working.

Maybe if it was Daisy it wouldn't have been so bad.

The girl kept her lips shut, even as Lottie attempted to bring a spoonful of ice cream towards them.

Turning her head, she sighed internally. She looked at the wall, only for her gaze to fall shortly after, remembering there was no clock. How long until she could sleep peacefully?

Daisy got off her chair, joining the pair on the floor. She attempted to take the spoon from Lottie, who held onto it. "What are you doing?" Lottie asked, furrowing her brows.

"Like you said, a tummy full of ice cream is better than nothing, and you're not exactly her favourite person right now." Daisy whispered in explanation, the girl hadn't cared to even listen in on their conversation, too worried over when she'd be able to finally rest again. The blonde handed her wife the spoon, scooping up some more ice cream from the bowl, that had since been placed on the floor.

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