On the down low

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Her head was laid in Daisy's lap, her body sprawled across the couch. Days had passed since the dinner incident, and yet Elise's words had become a haunting reminder to her, how dire her situation actually was. It served as a lesson however, teaching her that she had to be tactical to escape. The first step of her plan was manipulation.

"Why are you pouting, love?" Daisy satirised, the girl's face only scowled more at this, "I am not." She argued. "Yes you are." The brunette teased, Alexa covered her face with her hands, whining. "Okay you weren't." Daisy agreed, chuckling.

The girl removed her hands with her face, allowed a small smile. "Mommy?" Alexa questioned, "yes Lexie?".

"When can I see your garden?" Alexa looked above her, eyes meeting with Daisy's. The woman had a look on her face that she couldn't depict, "how do you know about the garden?". The tone left Alexa swallowing a lump in her throat, wondering if she'd struck a wrong cord, she was certain that the question seemed innocent enough.

"Mama told me." Alexa replied, Daisy's face resumed into a smile, "you can see it one day, I promise." Daisy told her- non committed. Alexa pressed her lips together, "okay." She spoke, rather disappointed.

She turned her head to see Cooper laying on the couch, she wiggled her upper body off the woman's lap. She scooted herself over to the dog, placing a kiss on his head, in between his ears. "I see where your loyalties lie." Daisy looked over, Alexa merely placed her head on top of Cooper's, enjoying the softness of his fur. Her one ally in this place, and it had to be someone who couldn't talk.

In her head, she named the plush she'd received from Elise, she named him Chase, thinking it matched with Cooper. She'd decided that she'd take it with her, a reminder of the small solace she'd allowed herself with.

"Yeah one sec, I'll ask." Lottie's voice said in the distance, she lingered in the doorway, a phone against her ear. She took the phone away from her head, pressing the mute button. "Elise wants to know if we want to meet her for lunch." She told Daisy, she gave a glance to the girl, her face softening.

The words made the girl sit up, she didn't allow a chance for Daisy to speak. "My stomach hurts." She complained, she put her hands over her stomach for dramatic effect. The women didn't seem to buy it, "really? your tummy hurts?" Lottie questioned.

Forcing on her best pained look, she nodded, "it really really hurts." She whined. Alexa took herself back over to Daisy, resting her head on the woman's shoulder. "Mommy i've got a stomach ache." She persuaded, hoping her act was convincing, it wouldn't be winning any Oscars anytime soon, but she thought it to be decent.

Maybe it was her acting, or maybe it was Daisy taking pity on her, but the woman seemed to believe her. "I don't think we should go out if she's feeling like this." She spoke, "i'll tell Elise we can't." Lottie agreed.

Daisy shook her head, "no, no you should go see her, me and Alexa are okay here, right?" Alexa hastily nodded. Lottie appeared unsure, "are you sure?".

"I wouldn't offer if I wasn't."

With that, it was agreed, Alexa would stay at home with Daisy. The blonde pressed the phone back against her ear, "unfortunately you'll be stuck with just me El." She joked to the woman on the other hand, she mouthed 'thank you' to her wife before turning around.

"My poor girl." Daisy mused, rubbing the girl's arm. Alexa couldn't quite tell if the words were condescending or not, yet she leaned further into the woman's side.

The thought of being around Elise, was enough to give her a real stomach ache, after the words she'd so nonchalantly told the girl. She feared the honesty behind them, how confident the words had been spoken.

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