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It was on their way to the kitchen, that Alexa caught sight of a dog bowl in the corner of the dining room. This might have seemed ordinary, if not for the lack of a dog. Her breath hitched in her throat, were they going to make her act like a dog?

Surely no, but she couldn't rule it off completely. "You're not going to..make me eat from that are you?", her eyes cast a disgusted glare to the dog bowl. Daisy looked at the girls face, furrowed brows as they tried to figure out her question. "What are you on- oh..sweetie!".

The woman couldn't help but burst out into laughter, Alexa could feel the vibrations of her laughter, but the girl didn't think it was very funny. Daisy struggled to find words for a moment, in her moment of entertainment.

"Those are for our dog." She eventually managed to force out, "but there's no dog..." Alexa trailed off. She looked at the amused smile on the brunettes face, how much this situation was humouring her; how funny she found it. "He's just not here right now Lex, you'll met him soon though! I promise!".

Before she had a chance to speak, Lottie emerged from a side of the kitchen she had yet to see. "What's all the laughter about?" She queried, she hoped Alexa had been laughing but it didn't seem so, her face remained as solemn as it had for most of their day so far. "Our little girl has a very wild imagination, she thought we were going to make her act like a dog, after she saw Cooper's bowl." Daisy told her, "where would you even get such a silly idea hm?" Lottie chuckled.

Blood rushed to Alexa's cheeks, seeing the women laughing at her. The more she thought about it, the more she realised how ridiculous she had sounded, but she had genuinely been so afraid. Sensing the girls embarrassment, Daisy moved on from the humorous situation.

"Alexa wanted to know if we could go see her room." She spoke, "of course we can!" Lottie responded enthusiastically. Both the women held a giddy excitement, both being too optimistic about the situation at hand, but still wanting to see Lex's reaction.

With that, the trio were on their way, or Lottie and Daisy were on their way. The stairs brought a new rush of anxiety, and to her horror, she did find herself gripping her legs tighter around the woman, quickly stopping when she realised her actions, thankful enough that Daisy didn't make a comment on it. The more she thought about it, the more she realised how she didn't like the previously assigned nickname, and maybe she should've feared her guilt over it.

She had barely been here two hours, and she already felt herself becoming clay, mouldable to the woman's gentle hands.

What she hadn't noticed before was the stair gate upon the top of the stairwell, it had a complicated lock from the looks of it. She attempted to see how Lottie opened it, but it was all just a blur to her too aware mind. With the gate open, they went the way which Alexa recognised as where the women's room was.

It shouldn't have been a shock to her, when her room was the one across from theirs. God they were good at being captors.

She braced herself for a fresh hell when the door opened, the first thing she could see was pink, so much pink.

Alexa barely registered being placed onto her feet, her mouth falling open as she processed the room. Her letters spelled in white block letters on the wall left a dry itch in her throat, this was planned, they planned to take her. The room was so girly in every way imaginable, it was a magnificent room however...if she was two.

There was hands on her shoulders, giving her a reassuring squeeze, she wasn't sure whose they were however. The main object of her attention was her..bed, not even a bed. They were making her sleep in a crib, that seemingly mocked her with its presence. Tears welled in her eyes, she shrugged off the hands on her shoulders. She walked over to the crib, allowing tears to spill from her eyes, she covered her face with the bars.

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