Pink tigers

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She was surprised it hadn't happened sooner, really. That it was only now happening, a few days into her captivity, and it had only now become a present issue. Her bladder ached, and unlike most times, either of the women wasn't standing nearby. For the first time in her situation, she actually wished for one of them to show up.

The girl squeezed her legs together, trying to focus on anything else. She looked at the stuffed animal beside her, a small stuffed cow, it hadn't been her pick, but she didn't mind it. They had been insistent she name it, yet the sentiment lacked importance to her.

The black beady eyes stared back at her, and anger flared inside of her, the idea of her needing to sleep with a stuffed animal. She pushed it in between the bars, watching as it fell to the floor. Satisfaction at seeing it face down on the carpet, however it was a reminder how it was free, and she was still stuck in the makeshift cage.

As her temper settled, her guilt bubbled. It hadn't been the stuffed animal's fault, the girl attempted to shift, rolling onto her side. A deep gasp left her lips, feeling her bladder respond harshly to her switch in positions.

She closed her eyes, hissing softly as she adjusted to the newfound pain.

Any ideas of rescuing the animal had now been abandoned, the cow would still be there in the morning, she didn't know if her bladder would hold until then. The concept of doing the unspeakable brought back unpleasant wards of the past, she had wet the bed until she was fourteen, freshman year is when she broke the habit.

The girl almost melted in relief, the familiar turning of the locks, her bedroom door being hesitantly opened moments later. There was a flip of the light switch, her eyes blinked blearily to the light now leaking onto the room, she squinted her eyes to see her self proclaimed saviour.

"Ineedthebathroom." The girl spoke hastily, words coming out in less of a sentence, more of a Frankenstein of words, all formed together. It took Daisy a moment to process the words, however she quickly understood, walking over to undo the cover that kept the girl trapped. Alexa watched as the bars were lowered, how easy it had been for the women to release her, yet the girl was powerless.

Being able to relieve herself felt like bliss, she was almost unaware of the woman inside the bathroom with her. She stared at her sock clad feet, fuzzy socks to be specific. Feeling the cold of the bathroom, she shivered lightly, teeth becoming to chatter as her body became aware of their surroundings. Alexa peered down at her arms, seeing goosebumps.

Before she knew it, she was being guided back to the bed. Two hands lifting her waist from behind, adjusting the girl into the bed. To her surprise, the bars weren't raised immediately.

"If you ever need the bathroom, you can call out for me or mama." Daisy told the girl, smoothing the girls hair down slightly. Alexa looked back in confusion, Daisy pointed to something she had never noticed before- a baby monitor.

Her stomach dropped, staring at a device which could ruin her entire escape idea. "All you have to do is shout for us, and one of us will come my dear." Daisy spoke, "probably me because between you and me, mamas a very heavy sleeper." She added chuckling. The brunette leaned over, pressing a kiss on the girls cheek, "do you want some milk to help you sleep?".

The girl readjusted herself, her head completely on the pillow, faking a yawn. Daisy smiled at her antics, "goodnight sweetheart." She dismissed herself.

Alexa stared at the ceiling, anxiety making her stomach feel faint. After a deep breath, she closed her eyes, now knowing that Daisy could see whether she was awake or not. Suddenly things got a lot more difficult, she feared for her uncertain fate, she feared for her escape, she feared for a lot of things.

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