Invisible string

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The woman grimaced for a second before smiling, "get your brother to pick you up next time, even 10 year olds need someone to walk home with." Charlie stated, Alexa thought for a second before nodding once more. The girl looked at her wrist, looking at an imaginary watch, "I have to go now my shows starting." She stated.

"Bye Miss Wolf, it was a pleasure meeting you." Charlie waved, "bye Charlie!". Charlie watched as the unknown girl left, she put her box of bandaids back in her bag. She had merely been walking to clear her head, when she had seen the injured girl trudging along alone.

It had been a slightly odd sight, the girl looked out of place alone. Charlie had never been one for kids, yet she couldn't help but offering to aid the girl.

Charlie walked out of the public bathroom, but not before washing her hands, not liking the possible germs that the bathroom entailed. Charlie skimmed her tongue across the top of her teeth, she took her phone out of her pocket. Her fingers skimmed over the contact, taking a deep breath in before pressing the call button.

It rung for a few moments, before she was sent to voicemail. "This is Daisy, leave a message after the beep, or just text like a normal person." The automated message went, Charlie sighed.

"I know you're ignoring me because your crim law class finished fifteen minutes ago, and we're supposed to be on a break, or whatever the thing that Ross and Rachel were on, I don't know, that shows more your thing."

"And now I'm rambling, but I called because i'm back in town and I wasn't gonna tell you which feels stupid now, because how could I be here and not tell you?" Charlie went on, "I know that the last time we talked, I said that I didn't know if I ever wanted a family, but I do now I swear." She promised.

She took a moment to breathe, "you can ask me tomorrow and I'll say the same thing, and you can ask me the day after that, I promise though, I want kids and I want to have them with you. Obviously not right now though, God imagine us as parents now, I can't even make pasta." She blathered. "Would it be my eggs or would it be yours? oh and finding a sperm donor! but we don't have to worry about that right now."

"I don't wanna be on a break anymore, I don't know if i'm allowed to say this but we're not on a break anymore, i've decided..unless you still wanna be on a break, then of course we're on a break!"

"Don't tell Elise this, but I really need to be talking again because her solution to every problem I have is telling me to drink, but she's probably sat beside you listening to this right now, so hi Elise."

Charlie laughed, "just call me when you hear this, actually scratch that, i'll walk over and we can talk it about your place. I still have the key that Elise gave me, did she ever tell you about that? well if she didn't I just did now so..surprise!"

"It's a fifteen minute walk, so I should be there in ten hopefully?"


The couple laid on their bed, Daisy's hands on Charlie's stomach, "I can't believe that there's a baby in there, our baby." She smiled. before Charlie had actually gotten pregnant, she feared she would be envious, or maybe upset. Now that Charlie was actually pregnant, she couldn't imagine ever feeling those ways.

"Well it's hardly a baby right now, it's the size of a raspberry, I was looking it up." Charlie mused, "technicalities aside, that raspberry is ours still." Daisy beamed. The pair looked at the blonde's stomach, "do you want a boy or a girl?" Daisy questioned.

"Aren't we not supposed to have preferences? all the blogs i've been reading, say to not have preferences because you should love the baby regardless." Charlie replied, "you're reading way too much char, we'll still love the baby, but everyone has a preference." Daisy argued. "Okay fine, I don't know, maybe a boy." Charlie shrugged.

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