Sick day special

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Why had they chosen her?

A question that had always been persisting in the back of her mind, she'd been successful at swallowing it down prior, but now it was forcing itself back up. Every time she attempted to digest it, her stomach only attempted to hurl it back up.

Maybe it had been her height, or perhaps she'd just been at the wrong place at the wrong time. She feared that neither of them were true, and it scared her, being chosen for a reason she wasn't even aware of herself. The only thing a person could ever know for certain was themselves, and now she was even doubting that.

These thoughts were hidden behind smiles and blasphemous words, it was almost a mission to ensure that the women thought she was okay. She had considered about asking a few times, when they'd been sitting peacefully in each others presences, or when she'd zone out for a moment too long, and they'd ask what she was thinking about.

She wondered if she'd ever be free, and the fact she had to question that, scared her.

Alexa moved her head to the side, and she groaned at the feeling. There was a certain heaviness in her head, and trying to move it felt like torturous, she hoped her headache would subside. She ran her fingers through her hair, pushing stray strands from her face, that only fell back onto it, she attempted to blow them away but soon gave up.

"Good morning Lexie." Daisy chirped as she walked into the room, she walked over to open the curtains. The sudden light left Alexa squinting her eyes, the pain in her head becoming more than the dull pain it had just been. "Everything okay sweetie?" The brunette questioned, approaching the girl, Alexa nodded before cringing at the tension in her head.

Her words didn't seem to be believable, when the bars were lowered, Daisy placed the back of her hand against Alexa's forehead. "You feel a little warm." Daisy mused but Alexa quickly forced herself to sit upright, noting the ache in her body, "I never get sick."

It was true, she never got sick, or well she'd never been sick past the age of thirteen.

"Everyone gets sick sweetie." The woman spoke, "well not me, i'm fine mommy." Alexa stated, Daisy eyed the girl wearily. "I need the bathroom." Alexa said, she knew she was sick, but she dreaded how the women would treat her.

She was taken to the bathroom, and with the movement, she was aware of the nausea in her stomach. It was an uncomfortable ache, and she dreaded the breakfast that was to come.

After she relieved herself, came the morning ritual of brushing her teeth. She opened her mouth obediently whilst sitting on the counter, she noted the odd taste of the toothpaste, how it tasted weird. Alexa was glad when she finally got to spit it out, she felt something nudge against her lips.

"You need to drink it, love." Daisy reminded, holding the plastic cup of water to the girl. Alexa became aware of the fog in her brain, how hazy her usually sharp brain was.

Being picked up again, she was confused when she wasn't dressed for the day. "Mommy i'm still wearing pyjamas." Alexa pointed out, "a pyjama day sounds fun." Daisy replied. The girl noted how Daisy wasn't in her pyjamas, but she didn't have enough energy to fight it, so she gave a small nod.

Alexa could feel how warm her face was, she rubbed her eyes willing for the sleepiness to go away- not that it did.

When they entered the dining room, Lottie was putting down the plates when the pair walked in. "There's my favourite girl." Lottie smiled, "aw thanks Lot." Daisy teased, "sorry to break it to you sweetheart, but you're my second favourite." The blonde satirised.

The girl watched this interaction with a blank face, she might've cracked a smile any other day, but she had to focus on staying awake for the time being. "She's sick." Daisy mouthed to Lottie, who nodded in realisation. Alexa furrowed her brows, but didn't question the woman's gesture.

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