Biting down

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The girl attempted to sit up, only for the since familiar hand to stop her, gently holding her down- not that it took much strength. To her horror, she had begun to fall asleep in the woman's hold, her eyes had closed for a moment before her rationality took over, her eyes had shot up immediately; as if in crisis.

"Settle down love, I know you're tired, just relax Lexie." Daisy told her, "I'm not tired." The girl mumbled in protest, however she no longer had any willpower to raise her head. The woman seemed to take a moment to think, "well that's okay, let's just stay like this for a while until you get sleepy."

Pushing down her continual unease, she allowed herself to stay like that. Much to her dismay, the woman's lap was very comfortable to lay in, and there seemed to have been a blanket draped over her, in her 'one second' of shut eye.

Anger bubbled up inside of her, not only did they take her hostage, they were also so insistent on making her feel comfortable. It made her mind all mushy, like they had tossed her brains into a blender and made it into a smoothie.

Feeling overwhelmed, she momentarily forgot about her mittens. She brought her hands to her neck, attempting to scratch herself, she needed to remind herself that they had done this to her. Alexa wanted to wake herself up, cause physical pain to remind herself of the mental pain the women had created, to actually have evidence of what she was going through.

It had taken Daisy a second to realise what the girl she was doing, she immediately took the girls wrists into a hold. The sleepy girl attempted to get her way out of it, doing sluggish movements that all seemed to fail.

"You're going to hurt yourself Alexa." Daisy told her, the girl allowed herself to stay limp, "maybe that was the point." She muttered. The girl felt a kiss on her neck, Daisy kissing her 'owie' better.

'You'd need to kiss my entire psyche if that was the case.' Alexa bitterly thought.

"It's only natural that you're going to face pain in this world, but wouldn't you rather it not be self inflicted?"

"Mama and I want to protect you from everything that may hurt you to our best abilities, but that's difficult to do when you're the one doing it to yourself."

Already feeling the stinging in her eyes, she begrudgingly closed them, not wanting more waterworks to occur. Alexa realised she was becoming quite the crybaby, and she didn't like that they were turning her into one. It pained her to recognise that Daisy was right, if she ever wanted any chance at escaping, she had to keep herself sane to do so.

Feeling herself lose consciousness, she allowed it to happen, she wanted a break from her life.

"I hate you guys so much." Alexa sleepily stated, as she slipped further into dreamland. "That's okay, mommy and mama love enough for the three of us."


Upon feeling something wet on her face, it was her instinct to wipe her cheek, lazily moving her hand to her face. There was another wet feeling, however this time she could feel something hitting against her cheek.

A tongue?

She shifted her head, nuzzling her face further into the soft surface beneath her. That was until she felt claws tap her head?

"Cooper! Leave her alone." She heard Lottie in the distance, reminding her of where she was. Alexa pushed herself to sit up, finding a dog sitting on the floor, beside the couch. A tongue hanging out from its mouth, panting heavily accompanied by a tail wag.

Alexa rubbed the sleep from her eyes, the bows placed in her hair earlier had since fallen down to the bottom of her hair. Momentarily unaware of the two women watching her, she pulled herself onto the couch, sitting on her knees beside the dog.

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