Girls against God

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"Lexie?" Lottie questioned, a plastic spoon full of soup in her hand. The girl snapped back to the present, opening her mouth to accept the soup. "Off in fairy land?" The blonde smiled, the girl shrugged, she knew the right response would've been to smile too, but she couldn't bring it upon her lips.

She was looking at the dining table longingly, a pair of keys had been carelessly splayed, practically screaming for her attention.

Alexa had been trying her hardest to the best of her ability the past few days, she had diligently pretended to be occupied by children's books, she had eaten mouthful by mouthful of whatever meal they brought out.

There had been an incident on day four, entailing some spinach and girl with a strong distaste for it- Alexa. Broccoli, lettuce, garden peas, cucumber, any other greens? Fine, but spinach? she did not fuck with spinach. She had been quite smug when she 'accidentally' tipped the plate off the tray, only to be let down again when a new plate of spinach was presented, even more than the original. That had been a valuable lesson, how everything could get worse with resistance.

She had half a mind to spit the green out, she feared every discarded mouthful would only result in double the amount of the spit spinach in return.

The days had been torturous, her cheek was beginning to gain sores, from how much she was biting it. Alexa grimaced every time the women had carelessly touched it with the spoon, none the wiser to the wound in her mouth, she feared they would insist on the pacifier more often.

Every time they caught her biting her cheek, they always presented her with the object.

The concept of freedom felt like it was slipping out of her fingers, like soap in damp hands. She was beginning to have to dig her fingernails into it, hold on as much as she could.

What ignited her grip, was every once and while when she would pass by a window, and just stare out at the outside world what awaited. Or when she was able to watch Cooper go outside, envious of a dog, one who unknowingly mocked her with each move he took in the yard.

Alexa leaned backwards, watching Lottie begin to scoop up more soup, she shook her head. "I'm full." She stated, she wasn't full per se, but the harness was becoming all too present and she wanted out of it. Lottie looked what was left in the bowl, a little under half, she frowned momentarily before her lips pulled into a smile. "No worries angel, are you feeling okay?".

The girl nodded her head, eyes falling back onto the keys, which laid still on the surface. The blonde looked to see what the girl was staring at, "do you wanna go and play in the yard?" She questioned, looking at the girl to see her reaction.

Upon hearing the words, Alexa genuinely smiled, unable to contain her excitement about a slither of freedom. She composed herself, nodding before pausing, "yes!....please, yes please." She corrected herself, Lottie grinned back at her. "Just give mama a few minutes to clean up." The woman told her, the girl nodded. She was impatient, but she couldn't screw this up.

Her eyes watched as Lottie cleared up the bowls- her own and Alexa's, disappearing into the kitchen. Alexa hadn't been in the kitchen yet, there merely was never a reason for her to be in there.

She thought that perhaps the idea would give the women a heart attack, kitchens were very dangerous to the right set of hands. Stoves, knives, god even forks.

From the noises, she surmised that the sink was on the left hand side, she could only imagine what the room looked like fully. She had peaks of it obviously, but there was still a lot left to imagination.

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