Drama queen

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The girl looked at the door longingly, she looked back towards Lottie, "just a minute Lexie." She told the girl. Lottie leaned over to zip the girls jacket up, "now you won't get sick." Lottie smiled. Alexa didn't even have time to worry about things like illness, she wanted to be outside, and that's all she could focus on.

"Mommies not even here yet." Alexa pointed out, the women sure were slow, and it seemed like it was purposefully being done to annoy her, even if she didn't have any evidence for it. "I know you're excited but you need to be patient." Lottie chided, she took the girl by her shoulders.

"Let's play a fun game, it's called standing still." Lottie laughed, Alexa thought the game was stupid, but she wanted to show her capability. So she stood up straight, not even letting our knees bend.

Daisy seemed amused when she entered the hallway, "you don't need to stand like you're in the army, sweetie." She teased, but Alexa didn't falter. "Okay you won the game." Lottie gave in.

Silently, the girl shifted, "what type of games are you forcing her to play?" Daisy questioned, an entertained smile on her lips. "Oh nothing." Lottie shrugged, "besides we should go now, before Lexie combusts."

That was an idea that Lexie could agree to, "oh wait one second, we've forgot something." The blonde spoke before disappearing. Alexa looked in disgust once she returned, scrunching her nose up. "It's either this or we stay home." Lottie shrugged, Alexa looked towards Daisy for help, "mama's right." Daisy agreed.

The stupid harness had made it's return.

She did really want to go out, and this was the first time that it wasn't to the backyard. Sighing in defeat, she held her arms out, closing her eyes. The sound of the clip being buckled felt painful to her ears, and she only dared to open her eyes afterwards.

Averting her gaze, she looked towards the dog who was sat calmly, apparently Cooper was much better behaved than she was.

"Can I hold Cooper?" She questioned, "maybe when we get to the field sweetie." Daisy offered. The girl knew how little promise her suggestion held, but she attempted to ignore the harness and the fact she couldn't hold Cooper's leash, she had been excited before and she should still be excited now.

Another positive was that she wasn't wearing her ladybug boots, for once.

The girl stood back diligently, watching as Lottie unlocked the door. The moment she had felt Daisy's hand nudge her back, she didn't need anymore encouragement, she was out of the door. To the harnesses credit, the leash was long enough to mean she wasn't tugged back.

Alexa merely enjoyed the fresh air, waiting for the women to finish locking the door. "Come on let's go." Daisy spoke, and with that, the family made their way away from the house. In the daylight, Alexa could see the surroundings much clearer. Noting the lack of other houses, merely a lot of land.

They had gone down a trail, and Alexa observed the nature in silence, walking ahead of the women who were talking. Cooper was slightly ahead of her, and she didn't try to dwell on the fact that both her and Cooper were wearing leashes.

Being distracted, she had wandered slightly too far, the girl felt a tug at her chest. Heat rushed to her face, being pulled back from the harness. She had frozen on the spot, feeling embarrassed. "That's what the harness is for sweetie, to keep you from wandering too far." Lottie reassured her, which was easy for to say, given she wasn't wearing one herself.

The women had caught up to her at that point, Daisy took the girl's hand into her own, "let's walk together." She suggested. Alexa finally began to move again, Lottie had gone behind the pair to stand on the other side of Alexa. Before she knew it, both her hands were being held.

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