Marshmallow meltdown

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Alexa groggily opened her eyes, she laid still for a moment, almost debating going back to sleep. An ache in her bladder kept her awake however, she laid still for a moment, procrastinating having to get out of the bed.

She was about to roll over to her side to wake Daisy up, when she realised that Lottie was missing- this piqued her interest. Abandoning the thought of waking Daisy up, she shifted herself over to Lottie's side, getting herself up. Alexa tucked her messy hair behind her eyes, before shuffling over to the bathroom.

What she had expected was to hear the sound of the faucet, or the toilet flushing, instead she heard crying. Her mouth fell slightly open, and she looked back at the bed, debating whether it was best to sleep and pretend she never heard anything.

The twinge she felt was enough to keep her stationary however.

Staying at the bathroom door was one thing, but making her presence known was another, so she sat against the bathroom door. She leaned her head against the wood, still feeling rather sleepy.

She was grateful that her need wasn't that dire, but it was becoming slightly uncomfortable on the floor. Something she hadn't expected was the door to open so abruptly, catching the pair both by surprise. Her half conscious mind wasn't able to connect with her body, and she found herself falling back onto the floor, her upside eyes met Lottie's.

It was obvious to see that Lottie had been crying, even if she hadn't heard the sounds. "Hi." Alexa awkwardly forced out, as she was helped back up into her sitting position.

Alexa picked herself back up off the floor, "what are you doing awake?" Lottie questioned, her voice strained.

"I need the bathroom." The girl replied, looking over at the toilet. The blonde scanned the girls face, she couldn't find any questioning looks on it, just an impatient one. Lottie nodded her head, moving to help the girl.

The girl swore she could feel her heart pound against her chest, given how silent the room was, saliva pooled in her mouth.

She was since used to this process moreover, not even a blush forming on her cheeks at the sound, and before she knew it was she was washing her hands. Alexa watched as the soap suds washed down into the sink, staring intently even as the water began to run clear.

"Think it's time to dry your hands now sweetie." Lottie spoke, holding out a towel for the girl, Alexa paused before nodding. She held her hands out to be dried, and she couldn't help but look up at the blondes face. It was in the light that she was able to see how puffy it was, how red it had become.

Not wanting to be caught, she had reverted her gaze. "All clean." Lottie deemed, tossing the damp cloth onto the counter, deciding it was much too late to deal with it now, that would be a job for morning Lottie.

The pair went back into the room, both settling themselves into the bed. Alexa knew she couldn't lay there in silence, she couldn't push down what she had heard, especially when she was pressed against the blonde. Lottie was playing with the girls hair, making Alexa almost fall asleep right there and then.

"Mama?" She whispered, looking up towards Lottie, hardly being able to make her out in the darkness. From what she could see, Lottie was looking back down at her, having a slight vantage point.


The words came out weak, "why were you crying?", the questioned weighed heavy in the room. Lottie had opened her mouth in an attempt to answer, only to close it promptly after, for a moment at least, feeling rather on edge.

"It's just a week of very hard anniversaries for mama." She had decided on, she had paused stroking the girls hair, continuing after her words.

Alexa's brows knitted in confusion, "anniversaries?"

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