Lunatic land

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When she had woken up, she had seen the sunlight leaking into the room. Without thinking, she threw her head back with a groan. The back of Alexa's head had skimmed the bars, "ow" she mumbled, scrunching her eyes. She became aware of the rubber object in her mouth.

She spit out the object, letting the saliva covered object fall beside her on the mattress. A string of saliva had run down her chin in the process, with a sigh she wiped her chin with her mittened hand. The ache in her head had now turned dull.

Her plan had been to escape during the night, slip into the darkness without so much as even a trace behind. She had fallen asleep however, and now she was stuck in the land of lunatics, at least from another day...

Maybe she couldn't leave the house, but she could leave the cage she was trapped in. Upon looking up, she found a mesh cover covering the top however.

Shifting herself onto her knees, she had attempted to paw at the mesh cover, hoping she could forcibly remove it. Tears of frustration had become apparent, annoyance building up inside of her. She was a ticking time bomb, one that had been successfully dismembered every time it had been on the verge of exploding. There was nobody here right now, nobody to decode her. She laid back down, slamming her head onto the mattress,

Gripping the bed sheets with her hands, she let out a scream. Keeping hold of the fabric had been hard with the extra material on her hands, but she needed something to squeeze. She kicked the bars of the crib, hoping that with enough force she could break them down.

With the continued screaming, it shouldn't have come as a shock when her door was opened. Momentarily, she paused, like a deer on the headlights. Seeing it was Lottie, her eyes turned to slits. She let out another scream.

"Good morning to you too Alexa." Lottie stood with her hands on her hips, an eyebrow raised at the girl. Alexa took the words in, before thrashing her body against the mattress, twisting and turning in all directions possible.

The woman had just stood there, taking in the situation in front of her. Lottie opted to speak when the girl became too tired to continue, there was a thin layer of sweat forming on her forehead. "Are you finished?", she had been asked, there was a layer of humour in Barbie's voice that made her want to scream even more. "You' so..sick.", the girl retorted with pants interrupting her words.

She had royally screwed up, wasting all her energy on that.

Her chest heaved up and down, and she was sure she was breathing in flames, igniting the kindle inside of her. "This is a crime! They put sickos like you in prison!" The girl seethed out, Lottie allowed a deep sigh to leave her lips.

Patiently, she had waited patiently, as she allowed the girl to get out all her rage. There had been some more statements, before the girl laid stiff and quiet, now merely just glaring at barbie. She watched as Lottie undid the mesh cover, making it seem so easy, putting Alexa's previous attempts to shame. Lottie moved on to the side of the crib, Alexa eyed her efforts- confused.

The sound of a latch could be heard, and the left side of the crib's wall was lowered. Alexa scrambled to get up, pressing herself against the corner of the crib, keeping herself away from the woman. Her attempts were fruitless, she was easily retrieved from the proclaimed 'cage'.

She found herself facing a corner, possibly the only place in the room that held no clutter, no childish wall decorations, no toys.

Alexa could now feel her feet against the soft carpet, having since been placed down. She curled her toes onto the fuzzy material. "Fifteen minutes in the corner, there isn't to be anything said, and you will stay facing the corner, do not move."

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