O'Romeo Romeo

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The girls bout of misery had lasted a few days, or possibly more, she couldn't really remember. The days had a method of blurring all together, which seemed inevitable, when her feelings hadn't shifted in the hours that passed each day.

The day after her meltdown, she had woken up cold, in her sleep she'd managed to kick the blanket off entirely. She found that she resumed her ball of safety though, she shivered, pulling the blanket back over her body. She dared to stretch out her legs, with them gliding across the cold sheets.

She attempted to close her eyes once more, get in as much sleep as she'd be allowed. She found that she couldn't stop thinking about her sister however, with a sigh she shifted onto her back. She leaned her head back to see the sun concluding its rise, not completely there, but not gone.

It seemed like a pathetic metaphor for her life.

Metaphor aside, it also meant that she had some time alone with her thoughts. Alexa knew all she had to do was basically whisper her name, and Daisy would be there immediately, she hated how devoted they were to her.

She hated everything, and she wondered if her mind would ever allow for love again, whether it be for as something as simple as food.

Alexa restfully moved, for how much she wanted to rest, her body couldn't stand being still. Having now adjusted to the rooms temperature, she slid out from the covers. She wondered what Allison was doing right now, if she was missing Alexa, and if she did, then if she even knew that the girl was missing in more ways than one.

The girl shook the thoughts out of her head, a dry itch residing in her throat. She salivated before swallowing, however the itch didn't quite go away.

Becoming sick of staying in one spot, she sat up, going to the other side of the bed. She laid back down, only this time she was at the opposite end of the bed- no pillow beneath her head.

It felt uncomfortable.

She made no efforts to move, it was the furthest she could get to pain. God forbid there was a mark on her body, a body that apparently didn't belong to her anymore.

Another subject that angered her, but not enough, not enough for her to actually do anything. Pouring water so carelessly that it threatened to splash, however miraculously stopping before spilling.

Clenching her jaw, she stared absently at the ceiling. She allowed herself to sink into her thoughts, regardless of how tedious and repetitive they were. Going over the same path, she had already come across- a time or fifty. Walking the trail again, desperate to see a stone unturned, grass she hadn't killed with her footsteps.

"I don't think it's upside down day sweetheart." A voice startled her.

Alexa looked up through the bars, to see Lottie, already wearing a smile on her stupid face. Her smile intensified once their eyes met, not that it lasted long, Alexa was soon to look away. "That can't be very comfy, hm?"

The bars were lowered, yet somehow she felt like she was being put in a jail cell, not being taken out of one. Still, she sat up in the bed, waiting to be picked up. She wished that it had been Daisy who was there, the brunette didn't care much for banter, much more focused on being affectionate.

Being taken to the bathroom, she realised how desperate she actually was for the bathroom. She winced, Alexa worried that she wouldn't be able to hold it in time, for the mere moments it would take for her pyjama pants to be pulled down. She bit the inside of cheek, wishing to scream at Lottie to hurry up.

When her pants had finally been tugged, she was quick to use the bathroom, looking down in relief. "Mommy can take you to the bathroom during the night, love." Lottie reminded her.

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