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It struck exactly 12:00. I was hungry, starving almost. I could feel myself passing out any moment from the lack of food i had ate today: 0.

I stood up, leaving my phone behind as i walked quietly out the room. I could see hyunjin lounging on the chair, doing whatever his dumb mind thinks about. I came across the kitchen and to my suprise, i actually found food in the fridge?! There was: milk , cereal..? ( who the hell puts that in the fridge ) meat, drinks and .. soju-?

Are they expired.. To be sure, i took out the meat and checked just in case. It wasn't. I checked the others aswell. Great, all of them were safe!

I thought about it for a brief moment..

Although i wanted to eat, i was on a strict diet.
So instead of eating meat like i was planned to, i just ate some fruit. Not the best, could be better.

" what are you staring at?! „ i looked over to see hyunjin blankly staring at me, daydreaming or some shvt.

" admiring your ugliness. „ He stated, not moving an inch away; he was basically frozen.. I ignored him and just shrugged it off, finishing my fruits and throwing them away while i washed the singular plate i used.

" just that for lunch? Do you have a death wish? „
He asked me sternly.

" What's it to you anyways. Get back to texting your hoes. „ I flipped him off and started walking around, digesting the small amount i had just ate.

• • •

Time flew by like a flash. I had just recently got a message from our manager: Manager Kang: that we had practice at 7. Until then, i was just on my phone, casually scrolling on social medias and texting my friends. I had no intention of doing anything fun today, it just wasn't the day.

" you're moody, huh? Isolated in this room. „
Hyunjin entered with a loud hit on the door.
Leaning on it, he smirked and closed it behind him before he sat down on his ' bed '.

" no, i was just glad you didn't interupt me until now?! „ i shrieked, storming out the room in a hurry to get away from him.

It was currently 6:10, i hadn't ate anything but, i wasn't hungry anyways. I've been gaining some weight and i need to lower it down..

I decided i was going to go to the practice room early, just to recap the choreo to our latest but not yet released album: rockstar.

I already knew megaverse, we only need to learn lalalala and we're done.

Putting on the song, i realised that i completely forgot to bring the key with me, great. I'll hope hyunjin isn't a dumbass and will bring it with him..

Oh well... I got into position and practiced thoroughly throughout both of the whole songs. As i finished, sweat dripped down from my forehead, i was eager to do more though. Of course, i wasn't perfect at the choreography, i was keen to be though. And so, i took a 15 minute break to cool down and then continued. Around the time i finished the second round, it was 6:30, i had 15 minutes until members would start gathering in.

Practice makes perfect. I nailed lalalala on the 3rd attempt. Not a suprise though, a dancing machine like me can do anything. ( DANCING MACHINE MOMOOO >0< )

my hair was slightly damp due to the amount of sweat it absorbed . Funny.

time passed and members started arriving. Felix looked at me and ran directly in my direction.

" woah- are you okay?- „ he asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

" mhm, i was just practicing. „ i stated, licking my lips as it was dry.

" of course you had to practice, you look bad doing the choreo , don't you? „ hyunjin batted an eye at me from the other side of the room.

" oh shut it, i've been dancing before you & im better! „ i spat back at him.

" enough boys! position, now. „ chan shouted across the vast room.

I sighed and got into my position. I hated the fact i was right next to hyunjin for the start of it, i hate the fact he messes up the hand choreo EVERY TIME..?!1!1

• • •

i sprang onto the coach, literally about to die when hyunjin came to me.

" what do you want „ i coldly said, not looking him in the eye.

" get the fuck away from felix. hes my friend, not yours. „ Hyunjij whispered in my ear. I tried not to laugh but ended up breaking out crying-

" im sorry but, thats practically impossible-.. „
i explained to him, clapping my hands and cackling.

He looked fed up of me, i was proud of my workk~~

" guys, should we do an ot8 live after this? „ chan asked out of no where. We all looked over to him and at eachother..

" sure, im in! „ jisung, felix, seungmin and i.n said. I hesitantly joined them, so did changbin and hyunjin.

" great! „ chan stood up.

• • •

Practice ended, everyone was tired and exhausted. Chan got his phone and set up the live on @realstraykids instagram.

We all united as one and did our introduction.
I opened my phone and went on the live, looking at comments although there were many english ones i didn't understand.. 😥

Chan read out many questions and statements from felix's phone.

" when is the next comebackk??- „ he read outloud. " mm, can't tell youu ~~ „ he continued

" gabojabo „ changbin mumbled 😶‍🌫️.

I stayed silent the whole time, i was already tired and worn out, i didn't want to do anything. Or my body just wont move...

From the live screen on my phone, i saw hyunjin and jisung cuddling together. I didn't even realise i was staring at the two until hyunjin snapped his fingers in my direction.

" you okay there?- „ chan abruptly stopped answering questions to turn to me. I nodded and smiled blankly. Shit, that was embarassing.

even though me and hyunjin fight a LOT, sometimes he can be a good ' friend '. ( im just being kind ! . . )

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