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As the rays of the sun peeked through the curtains, I slowly opened my eyes. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the morning light filling my room before stretching my arms like a cat. . .

With an exhausted yawn, I got out of bed and shuffled over to the window. I pushed the curtains aside and gazed out at the city below, already packed with people roaming around the streets. Seuol was busy, hm. It was currently only 7. I barely got sleep but, i don't feel like sleeping at all. 🤣

Hyunjin wasn't awake yet. I can't believe i'm actually saying this but, he looked cute. Yah, it's in a platonic way. . . I think.

I made my way out the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind me as i thought to myself carefully. Today eunjae was coming over so i better clean up the place..

As the minutes, maybe even an hour passed, mu dorm underwent a remarkable transformation?!!!!!11!!1 What was once a chaotic mess had blossomed into a tidy and inviting space. I stood back, admiring mu handiwork, feeling accomplished and proud. Yeah minho, you're great ~~

" what's all the noise ?!! „ a grumpy voice said from the corner of my eye. Simply after, hyunjin came out slouching and tired, his hair in a irriatable mess.

" Hi. Cleaning up YOUR messes? „ i stated, arms crossed and defensive.

" great, thanks maid. „ he waked to the kitchen. I groaned and fell down onto the couch in tiredness. By this time, it was already somewhere near 8, meaninh eunjae would come in three hours!!

I don't know, i was really excited to see himm!!

• • •

" so, that person who's coming over.. „ hyunjin spoke up, mixing around his cereal.

" what about it. „ i coldly said

" jeez, no need to be rude . „ hyunjin snapped, clenching his fists and quietly slamming the table. Tantrum who??

" yeah yeah „ i practically ignored him.

" is it a boy or girl? „ he muttered.

" Does it matter?? „ i said in a rude tone. He was really pissing me off.

Hyunjin continued eating in complete silence meanwhile i was on my phone, visibly annoyed by him.

• • •


hey bro
remember you better not be late
floor 6, door 102

bro i wont
is this really the lee know texting me

no this is choi minho 💀
are you fucking blind ofc it is

cussing problems 🥺

it's hard 😕

i can imagine you cussing out hyunjin

i have to say
you're rlly weird someyimes
in the least rudest way ☺️

yo thanks

your number has 143 in it

wow i never noticed

we're so cool

143 i love you ‼️‼️


oh thats not

hey i dont know english

makes sense .
lee dont know


your random

have you graduated
it's saying you have to go back to schl
it's you're not your

you're half 52


it's 8:37 i need to get ready

you have almost 3 hours

okay nvm
im watching your racha vlog instead
😭 seen

• • •

I sighed and sat up straight. Every day is boring. Sucks, doesnt it.

" i'm starting to think that you're texting a girl and you have a massive crush on her and you're going to fuck her ass and you're going to reject it. „ hyunjin blurted out. I gave the ' bitch what the fuck? ' look and cringed. What was he thinking -

" thats disgusting. Something you would do. „ I said.

" Suprised the lee minho actually pulls. „ He teased me. I was confused, did it really look like i was blushing at 'her' and shit -

Hyunjin started zoning out, staring at something next to me.

" And so if i do, why would YOU care? „ I asked.
It looked like his face shot up slightly..?

" um , nothing „ he gulped. Weird bitch.

hyunjin's pov

this sucks

how am i developing feelings for him?

That's mentally impossible. Yet it's happening.

What the fuck hyunjin

This aint u 💀

Ever since minho got drunk, things have tooken a turn against me. i don't feel as if he's my enemy anymore.

It's more like .. , using him as an enemy to distract myself from the feelings i had for him

Naurrr, i can't like him. Theres no absolute way he likes me back. After everything ?! Dummy

I can't let go that easily though. He's always around me. This is going to be hard. why did i let that small move take advantage to me ?!!?!?!!?



I don't like him. I never will. . .

That was an utter lie

But i have to trust myself to believe it. He doesn't like me, i don't like him; we're enemies.

𐔌  .  envious  !  ୧  hyunho ✔️Where stories live. Discover now