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" yah, did you make this?! „ hyunjin shouted . Minho turned his head around in confusion and shrugged.

" Don't know „ He responded blankly.

" it tastes ,, amazing ?! „ hyunjin exclaimed, continuiously taking small sips of it.

" Yeah, thank the machine. „ minho stated coldly. Moody who?

" Thank you machine. „ hyunjin drop dead seriously said, even bowing down to it as if some kind of royalty.

" You're so dramatic at times. „ minho muttered quietly, re-directing his attention to his phone.

questionable convosations i must say.. 😭

A few minutes passed and minho was worned out, spead over the couch in exhaustion. On the other hand, hyunjin was in the bathroom, doing his things. No, it's not what you might be thinking dirty minded asses.

" what. the. fuck. „ minho gasped. What was it he saw?- ..

well, hyunjin walked out with just a towel over his lower parts . It seemed as if he had just taken a shower. His hair was damp and messy , explains it all.

Hyunjin notcied the boy staring at him puzzeledly and kept on walking promptly.

" stop looking, bitch!! „ hyunjin snapped, rushing to the bedroom bashfully. He shut the door behind him and went to the wardrobe swiftly.
" damnmit. „ he sighed.

" The fuck „ minho thought, zoning out in an awkward position.

• • •

Hyunjin puffed and took some baggy clothes out the wardrobe. It doesn't matter what he wears, stylists will dress him up anyways.

" gosh „ he rolled his eyes and walked to the mirror, taking out a brush from a cabnet and combing his hair down. By the time he finished everything, it was already dry and fluffy?!

He examined himself thoroughly and walked off , turning the other way round towards the door.

" Minho, recording is at 10?! what are you doing?! you only have an hour left! „ hyunjin exclaimed , pure shock in his eyes and tone.

" an hour is enough, Hwang. „ minho stood up lazily and snapped to the bathroom without looking back. Little did minho know, his phone was left unlocked and worst enough, it didn't have a passcode.

" Smartass. „ hyunjin chuckled, , contemplating whether or not he should look through the older's phone. It'd be boring if he didnt. So he did.

" no passcode. That's dumb. „ hyunjin thought to himself, smiling away the stupidness of minho.

" eunjae.. with a yellow heart next to it.. Oh. „ He didn't know what ' 💛 ' meant, lawl.

" Ok „ hyunjin moved onto checking their dms. Honestly most of it was fine. Until he saw the compliments they gave to eachother.

Atleast 10 minutes passed and minho came storming out the room, running to hyunjin and snatching his phone right out his hand.

" the fuck?! „ minho yelled at him while anger burned inside him.

" Mm, hi „ hyunjin blankly said.

" hi?! „ minho mimicked him.

" That's just great „ hyunjin muttered to himself.

" Well, i'm going to go practice the choreo, bye. „ minho walked away exaggeratedly . Hyunjin chose to follow along cuz, what the fuck was he meant to do waiting an hour?!

" Hyunjin is suck a dick, seriously. „ minho whispered to himself, completely unaware that hyunjin was following after him closely.

" thank you „ hyunjin placed an arm on minho's shoulder and giggled. " You too. „

" YAH!!! -- „ minho shouted though hyunjin didn't flinch. " BITCH! „

" welp, stuck with me now? „ hyunjin said out jokingly.

" And i HATE it. „ minho gulped, his face all blushy from being nervous.

" thats cute „ hyunjin mumbled and paced a few steps in between them for personal space. ( they dont need it ehehe )

" thats what?! „ minho questioned him, turning around and taking an abrupt stop.

" Cute „ hyunjin blurted out with no hesitation. Minho gulped again dryly and turned around to keep on walking meanwhile hyunjin was chuckling to himself meanlessly.

" fuck you. „ minho cursed under his breath.

Soon, they arrived at the door of one of jyp's practice rooms. The door slid open while minho glanced around to see if anyone was there.

" great ! „ minho walked and placed his bag down in the corner before walking to the music player in the opposite side of the vast room.

From afar, he watched hyunjin dance smoothly until one thing caught his eye. Frustrated, he headed over to hyunjin and stopped him in his tracks.

" It's like this, hyunjin. „ Minho stood behind him, leaning onto him slightly as he took grab of hyunjin's hands, showing him the way to do the move correctly.

" yeah-.. um thanks. „ hyunjin froze in place, going numb for minho's touch.

" got it?! „ He asked.

" mhm „ hyunjin replied back. Minho again walked to the music player and reset the music while stealthily watching hyunjin for mistakes. 

Hyunjin danced again, correcting his error smartly. The second time the music played, minho decided to join in as he was there to dance, not to examine someone else dancing.

" wahh, hyung you're good . „ hyunjin complimented minho.

" Yeah, i know „ minho rolled his eyes sassily. The room fell quiet as minho walked to change the song.

" You know megaverse, right-? „ minho asked him although they weren't recording it yet.

" Mm, a bit. „ hyunjin admitted to barely knowing it. Minho sighed and continued playing lalalala as he couldn't be asked to help hyunjin. typical huh?

• • •

" Hyung, it's 9:48 we should get going. „ Hyunjin stood up and pushed his hair back to place his cap on.

Minho nodded and both of them headed towards the door after they got their things packed up and sorted.

They both signed out the company and walked to the place where it'd take place. Honestly, it wasn't that far so they didn't need any sort of transport.

In the distance, a large building stood towering over the miniture looking like stores. Minho walked in first, looking around to find the rest of the group ; it was 9:57.

" ah, there ! „ hyunjin pointed to his left, running to the members without a warning.

" Aish. „ minho taddled along shortly.

" hyunjin! minho! hey! „ chan turned around and patted hyunjin on the back while minho walked around the corner to stand next to jisung.

" So, the director is coming anytime soon . The rooms we're using are there ! „ chan pointed to an opened room, full of lights and equipment of all sorts. most the member's mouth agape as they saw the sight of the gorgeous scenery they were filming in.

" i LOVE the pirate theme. „ felix mumbled , still getting mesmerised into the ship decoration.

• • •

" aandd, cut ! „ The director stoped and praised them for their amazing acting and expressions.

A/N : sorry for no updates the paast 4 days, school is tough currently

ill make longer chapters soon to make up for it sryy , also tysm for 1.7k reads ?!! waah

𐔌  .  envious  !  ୧  hyunho ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu