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N/B's pov
timeskip to when eunjae arrives

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The door rang and minho ran to catch it. As he swung it open, a tall, slim figure stood there staring at him. Hyunjin watched from a distance, unaudible and restless.

" Turns out it wasn't a girl. „ Hyunjin thought.
He clenched his fists together and leaned on the counter.

" heyy!!! „ minho called out to him before pulling him into a tight hug. The boy.. Hyunjin wasn't sure of his name but , he was sure damn handsome.

" With that face, he can 100% become an idol.. If he has the skills of course.. „ He continued thinking.

" come in!! „ minho pulled out and led him in, taking off his jacket and putting it on the peg as if babying him.

Hyunjin groaned quietly and took a sip of hos iced americano. He tried looking away but, he was just so curious as to what he ( minho ) was doing.

" so, how's training? „ Minho spoke up again, asking him in a soft tone as they both fell onto the couch. Minho's hair poofed up when falling down, it was so cute to hyunjin. He couldn't help but faintly smile at the loving sight.

" mehh, i think i'm improving on dancing ! „ the boy ranted. Something about him screamed that he was the same one from the bar. Hyunjin's eyes widened, his jaw dropped slightly. It really was him-..

" thats great !!! i really wish you the best luck, eunjae. „ minho smiled. He didn't realise hyunjin was even in the room..

" eunjae, huh? „ hyunjin mumbled under his breath so no one could hear.

" thanks! „ the boy giggled nervously.

Minho ruffled his hair which annoyed hyunjin a lot.

" what am i feeling. „ hyunjin turned away and rummaged through the cuboard to find something.

" fuck him for hooking up again with that shit. „ hyunjin rolled his eyes. He couldn't say anything out loud.

The ' eunjae ' person and minho were a bit touchy.. Hyunjin couldn't control himself from being a jealous bitch.

He couldn't watch anymore. Why did his feelings for minho have to take over now?!  in the worst moment possible.

He just had to fight through. Hyunjin walked to the bedroom and slammed the door behind him which startled minho and his friend.

" whats with him-? „ eunjae asked, covering his mouth with his hand in confusion.

" ignore him. He's just being moody like he always is. „ Minho clarified. Eunjae shook his head and directed his attention back to the hyung.

" is he annoying?? „ He asked again

" Mhm. „ minho growled, clear annoyance in his eyes as they sparked.

" damn.. That's .. „ eunjae couldn't get his words out.

" you know, your visuals are underrated. You're hot as fuck „ He continued. Minho went a slight red as he heard it, not knowing if it was flirty or not.

" i uh-.. thank you!! „ he scratched his ear.

" not in that way, it's platonic. „ eunjae corrected himself. He chuckled at himself due to the mistake and went silent in embarassment.

" ahh „ minho nodded.

when two introverts meet eachother ... 😴

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