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The halls echoed the scream of no other than Do Hana, running from room to room trying to find Jeno. Her legs were starting to ache but she refused to give up.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she sees a head peeking out from a doorway. Hana slowly turns to the direction of the head. Calmly walking against the wall towards the door, she sees Jeno beginning to peek out again. As Jeno turns his head the other way, Hana grabs his head, placing him in a headlock.

" Hey hey hey, LET GO! " Jeno screams in agony. Hana tightens her grip on his neck as people pass by staring at the pair. She was furious at what Jeno had done to her. He had decided to hide her access pass which made her late to her call time. She was even more furious when she was docked 2 points for being late.

This is for the 2 points you cost me.

Hana thought to herself as she continued to tighten her grip while Jeno was figuring out how to break free. For someone who was nearly twice her height, Jeno was struggling to break free from her grip.

" Hana! Jeno! Smile dear! " a voice called out.

They pair turned their heads towards the voice to only see Haechan holding a phone taking pictures of the two. He had the widest smile on his face possible.

Hana immediately let go of her grip causing Jeno to fall face first onto the floor.

He groaned in pain while Haechan bursted out laughing. " Can you help me up instead of trying to wipe your hand? " Jeno asked in the direction of Hana. Hana reached out her hand to Jeno only to pull it back at the last minute.

Jeno grudgingly got up only to realize he was going to be late for his own call time. Dashing back into the team room, he grabbed a set of hand wraps and made a run for the arena.

" You guys are too cute. " Haechan said, still laughing while scrolling through the photos he took earlier. Hana rolled her eyes and grabbed Haechan by the collar of his shirt dragging him back into the room.

Hana shut the door to realize the only other person in there with her and Haechan was Mark. "Who's cute?" Mark asked, confused.

" Jisungie. " Haechan replied while winking at Hana. Haechan knew. He knew what was going on between Mark and Hana. Mark raised his eyebrows staring at Hana while she turned away avoiding his gaze.

Hana plopped down on the couch, making sure to keep a distance between Mark to avoid Haechan's teasing. Haechan sensed the discomfort in Hana's face and walked out the door. Even Haechan himself knows to not continue messing with Hana when she goes quiet.

Mark stared at the girl next to him. The girl who he cherishes so much. The girl who he loved.

Hana hated to admit it but there was a tiny bit of love for Mark. She knew how open he was about his feelings for her, yet she felt guilt. Guilt in knowing she could not reciprocate those feelings for him.

" Hey ." Mark spoke softly, breaking the silence between them. Hana's head snapped up to meet his gaze only to quickly look away. " You doing okay DoHa? "

DoHa. The nickname Mark had given Hana when she first entered the team.

Hana shook her head after a moment of processing his question. Mark's gaze softened and concern began to set in him. Hana never admitted she was not okay, especially not to the team captain.

Mark scooted closer to Hana, wrapping his arm around the smaller girl. Mark knew how much the girl hated being touched but seeing her like this broke his heart. He knew how much was on her plate trying to balance school, family, and her passion.

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