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D-3 till showcase

"Hold!" "I said HOLD." Hana's head whipped around to the sound of footsteps. The showcase was on Friday, and Hana felt like the team wasn't improving. The girl was getting tired of the teenage groups having her words go through one ear and out. The tension was high in the room, even Taeyong was afraid of her. "Is she always this scary?" Seojoon whispered to Jeno. Jeno hesitated to nod, afraid Hana would hear his head nod.

The cousins decided to visit Hana and drop off some food. They were curious to see what their cousin was like as captain of the well known Rising Dragons. Seojoon and Jeno have gotten closer over the past week. Hana was always with her two cousins as they took her out to eat. Sometimes the other 7 boys would come along to explore. Jeno and Seojoon bonded over many things, especially dance. Ara on the other hand, may or may not have developed feelings for Renjun. Ara and the boy bonded over books.

"HOLD." Hana's voice practically barked at the same boy again. Hana was getting mad. It was the same boy who was always late to practices, and constantly zoned out when Jisung was teaching the choreo. "Jaehyun. I am tired of having to remind you to fix the same mistakes you made from the first time you learned this dance to now." The boy, Jaehyun, rolled his eyes at Hana. "I don't see the big deal."

Hana scoffed. "You don't? The 7 year old team can fix their mistake with ONE reminder. How are you twice their age but can't fix your mistake the first time?" Hana felt like she was going to explode. Jaehyun just smirked in her face. Taeyong was starting to get mad for her. He even tried helping him fix the same mistake but he was stubborn. "Jaehyun." Taeyong called. "The fuck do you want fuck face?" Everyone gasped hearing the boy's response.

"You're cut. 10 laps. Now." Hana interjected before Taeyong could react. This was the first time someone was ever cut from the showcase. Jaehyun stood there staring at Hana, he couldn't believe his ears. "I'm just cut like that? Seriously?" He turned to Taeyong, hoping the older male would save him. "20 laps." Taeyong snarled.

"Woah." This time it was Ara who was scared. Ara was used to Hana as the sweet quiet girl not Captain Hana. Jeno smiled at how much Hana has grown. When she first became captain, most of the team thought it was a joke. She was one of the only two girls on the team making her seen as a joke even more. She had a hard time getting control of the team, constantly relying on Jeno to get them to listen. Now, she didn't need anyone, everyone respected her enough.

"From the beginning again." Hana turned to Taeyong to play the music again. This time the team was cleaner in their moves. They were better than had ever been in any practices. Jeno could see Hana was somewhat satisfied as she nodded her head to the beat. "Hold! 1, 2, 3. Cut." Taeyong counted to capture the ending pose on camera. "Alright kiddos, we are done for today. You have the rest of the afternoon and evening to yourself. Stay out of trouble and see Mama Vy before you leave. Jaehyun, come talk to me."

Hana watched as Taeyong walked out with Jaehyun before letting out a heavy breath. This is exhausting. "Byeolie." A male voice called out. She turned her head to the voice. It was Seojoon and Ara waving at her. She looked to Jeno, who knew she didn't want outside people sitting in on their practices. "Sorry." Jeno mouthed.

"Renjun, when's our next practice?" Hana had an idea in her head. "Not until another 5 hours, why?" Renjun checked his watch. "Ara, you in?" Hana grinned at the girl. Ara immediately understood what she meant. "Let's do it."

— — —

"Woah." Renjun's jaw hung low. Jeno was no different from Renjun, his eyes wide and jaw low. The rest of the boys were no different. Hana and Ara were dancing on stage, both in their own world. They both had choreographed their own dance to one of their favorite songs. The song happened to be on the sexy side. The boys were used to Hana dancing to powerful songs, songs that were upbeat. This was different.

Wraps [JENO]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon