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"Do you think grandma is murdering him right now?" Seojoon questioned. The three cousins were seated against the wall, waiting for the door to open. Ara rolled her eyes at his stupid question. "I'll be the one murdering you if you ask another question." The girl was getting annoyed with his long list of questions. Seojoon had asked 15 questions within 3 minutes. Some might mistake him to be Jeno's girlfriend with the way he is anxious for Jeno, he was even more anxious than Hana. "Try me bitch!" Seojoon lunged across Hana, reaching for Ara. The two began fighting one another before Hana pinched both of their thighs, making them stop. That didn't stop them from fighting, just not physically. They both sat there glaring at one another.

The door opened revealing Jeno and her grandma. The male was helping the elderly woman walk towards Hana. She took Hana's hand in hers, holding them gently. "Be happy, Hana."

"Let me get to know you." Her grandma gestured for Jeno to talk. "Uhm, I'm Lee Jeno. I am turning 19 this year. I currently go to the same university as Hana. I am majoring in Pre-Law." Jeno told her the basic information, waiting for a response. Hana's grandma laughed seeing how nervous he was. "This isn't a job interview. Tell me what you like about Hana." She placed her hand on his shoulder. This was an easy question for Jeno.

"Everything. I love everything about her. I love how strong she is, even stronger than me at times. I love all of her scars on her hands and back. I love her just for being her." Jeno said in one breath. "I thought you hated her?" The older woman remembered his words at the showcase. The male lowered his gaze in embarrassment. "I wouldn't call it hate. I think I was envious of who she was. I envied her carefree attitude yet she was never harsh towards anyone. I have never seen her take her anger out on anyone, even when she was captain. She was going through a rough time when she returned but she continued on everyday with her life working harder with a smile. That is something I could never do."

Hana's grandma smiled at his answer. "Do you love her?" Love and hate was a strong word. Did Jeno really love her or did he just like the idea of her? Jeno stayed silent as he pondered on the way the question was asked. "I like to think that I love her. Not a single moment goes on without my thoughts being filled with her. Saying that I love her is easy, but it's the action that proves it. I would like a chance to prove to myself and Hana that I love her."

A hand reached out to hold onto Jeno's. "The girl has been through a lot. You probably don't know this but after her grandpa passed, she became the sole income earner for both her mom and me as well. This house that I am comfortably staying in knowing I have shelter from the rain and sun is all thanks to her." Her grandma spoke.

"Her grandpa named her Hana to be the one and only flower. I would like to see her live up to her name, be the one and only flower standing tall among the weeds. These days, I see her standing taller and taller and it's all thanks to you, Jeno. The girl lost her smile long ago and now it's back again. Thank you for stepping into her life. Be there for her, okay?" The older woman hugged Jeno who was holding in his tears. "Take care of my baby for me."

Everyone gathered at the table, chatting about their daily life. Jeno leaned down to Hana's ear. "This wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." He smiled at her. "Told ya." She teased the male. Some of the uncles offered Jeno beer and wine but Jeno refused. He had told them he needed to be sober to drive Hana home, which earned the nod of approval from all the uncles. "You act like Hana can't ride HER bike." Seojoon snickered. Hana shoved a breadstick into his mouth, whispering threats in his ear to keep him quiet.

Jeno quickly became everyone's favorite. He even became the toddlers and babies favorite as they constantly surrounded him and their favorite aunt. The newborn of the family was sleeping soundly in Jeno's arms. He had offered to take the newborn so Hana's aunt could eat. That was enough for Jeno to earn the approval of the entire family. Mijoo sat in Hana's lap as she was braiding the little girl's hair to match hers. Minjoon on the other hand was chatting away with Jeno and Seojoon. The other toddlers were busy playing dress up with Ara.

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