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Pain. Blood. Failure.

That was all Jeno could think of. Everything was going wrong in every possible way. How could this be? He practiced day and night and it never failed him. What is he doing wrong?

The buzzer rang, signaling for the end of the last round. It was over. The worst match he has ever done. As he unwrapped his gear, he noticed the small letters on the tag of the wraps.


You have got to be kidding me. Jeno had grabbed the wrong set of wraps on his way out the door. No wonder why he had such a hard time trying to get them to fit around his wrist, they were too short.

He flung the wraps down in frustration making the blood soaked wraps bounce off the floor. Trying to find where they landed, his eyes found them at someone's feet. Hana. It landed in front of Hana.

"Jeno are you-" Hana began before being cut off. "Save it." Jeno replied angrily. Before Hana could utter another word, he had already stormed off, throwing Hana's wraps in the trash.

Jeno swung the door open with such force that he made Taeyong yelp in fear. He stared at the pair of eyes, daring them to say something. Taeyong rushed to Jeno's side after seeing his fists covered in blood.

"What happened? Where are your wraps? You know you aren't allowed on unless you have them."

Jeno didn't answer. Instead he looked to the door where Hana was standing with worry in her eyes. He pushed Taeyong away walking to a chair.

"Jeno , I'm sorry. I didn't know you grabbed mine on accident." "Forget it." Jeno replied coldly.

Mark saw the tension and was torn. Torn between the girl who wasn't at fault and the boy who just lost. "Jeno are you okay? I can see if we can appeal it for you?" Mark suggested.

"Don't. It's already over. There's no use in appealing. All because of someone's stupid choice." Jeno retorted to Mark's suggestion.

Ouch. My fault huh. Hana thought to herself realizing it was all her doing.

"I know you and I don't get along, but you didn't have to sabotage my round like that. You know that this was the last category I needed to go to nationals." Jeno interrupted her thoughts. There was hurt in his voice.

"I would never try to sabotage you. If I wanted to sabotage you, I would have done so long ago." Hana was hurt. She was accused of sabotaging him when she didn't even know.

"You always think I want to sabotage you just because you and I are always going against each other. I see you as a friend, as a family. Why would I want to sabotage the only family and friends I have? If that's what you believe, then believe it. I'm sick and tired of you always treating me like a joke." Hana stormed off slamming the door behind her leaving a deafening silence.

"Dude, she didn't even know that you had placed your stuff next to hers. You fucked up." Jaemin spoke up with utter disbelief in his voice.

Mark was furious. Out of all people he expected to turn against Hana, he never expected it to be Jeno. "You didn't have to say all of that. She's going through a hard time as is." He glared at Jeno before leaving to follow Hana.

Silence. Jeno knew he messed up. He sat there while Taeyong silently approached him. Taeyong carefully cleaned his open wounds before wrapping them up. "Apologize to her. You know you're wrong in this." Taeyong said quietly before walking off.

"Hana! What are you doing here?" A voice snapped Hana out of her trance.
"Nothing." Hana replied as she quickly pushed the form into the box. "An appeal?" Renjun asked, puzzled. Hana never needed an appeal, let alone thinking about one.

"Its nothing. You should go talk to Jeno." Hana replied trying to change the subject. "Jeno? Why?" Renjun was once again puzzled.

"It's complicated. Go talk to Jeno, he's in our room." Hana walked off leaving Renjun even more confused. What the fuck is going on? Renjun let out a sigh before turning around to grab the appeal form.

Hana kept walking. To where? She had no clue. Hana just needed to not think. Before she knew it, she was on the roof. It overlooked the city with a soft breeze as the sun was setting.

She sat there silently staring at her knuckles. The red and purple bruises were so ugly. Wraps don't work as they should.

"Hanaaa!" Jisung's voice rang across the roof. "Are you okay? You seem sad."

"I'm okay Jisung." Hana assured the younger male. Jisung was her favorite out of the team. Joining at the age of 3 made him the youngest. Hana was able to see Jisung grow into the man he is today.

"I'm going to hug you if thats okay. You look like you need it." Jisung opened his arms waiting for her approval. Hana nodded her head before letting Jisung hug her.

After some time Jisung left leaving Hana alone with her thoughts. So much was going through her head. It made her head hurt, a lot.

As if he knew, Mark opened the door to the roof. He let out a breath of relief seeing the girl was okay after searching for her for hours.

"DoHa." Mark called out to her quietly. Her eyes met his and Mark's heart ached even more. "It was my fault wasn't it?"

"No no it wasn't." Mark reassured her. He took her into his arms, running his fingers through her hair. Hana pushed him away.

"Please don't touch me." Hana said coldly.

Mark was shocked. She wasn't usually this cold towards him. He let go of her as she glared at him. "What are we Hana?" Mark asked harshly.
"You can't keep doing this to me. You make me think you share the same feelings as me but then you act like this towards me."

"Like what Mark?" Hana questioned. "Like this Hana! I am tired of it. Tell me what are we?" Mark's voice echoed among the chaotic beepings of cars.

"I don't know Mark. I really don't." Hana quietly replied. Mark's gaze soften seeing the girl in her vulnerable state. "Forget it. I never asked okay?"

Mark extended his hand out to the girl to pull her up. "Lets go, your category is in 20 minutes." Hana took his hand pulling herself up. Instead of letting go of her hand, Mark held on. He kissed her knuckles before letting her hand go.

Hana silently followed Mark back to the team's room. Everyone was in the room except for Jeno.

Chenle approached her handing her a new set of wraps. "Here, I know they aren't the same but its better than tearing those wounds open again. Gross." Chenle made a face of disgust making Hana giggle. Chenle hated blood, especially how bad Hana's knuckles were.

"Thanks Chenle, I won't get blood on them." Taking the new set from him knowing well that she won't use them.

"HaHa, just use them for god's sake. I'm sick of hearing Mark worried about you." Mark's eyes widen before covering Haechan's mouth trying to keep him silent.

Hana smiled at the two bickering before leaving the room. As she turned the corner, her face was met with someone's chest. Jeno.

His eyes were filled with hurt and rage. "Sorry." Hana muttered before running off.

This is the worst day ever.

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