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Jeno felt something heavy hit his head. "Wake upppp!" Hana whined, pulling on his ear. She was smacking him repeatedly with her pillow yet he didn't move. Today Hana and Jeno were leaving for a three day trip to Da Lat. They were going to go with Jeno's family and Hana's mom and sister. The twins didn't want to go with their mom so they stayed home with their dad. Haechan even tagged along with Jieun.

"We shouldn't have slept so late." Jeno sat up, rubbing his eyes. Hana rolled her eyes at him. "I told you but nooo, someone wanted to do it." The girl scoffed. The two had stayed up dying their hair until 4AM knowing they had to be ready by 8AM. It was all Jeno's idea.

Hana got off the bed, tossing Jeno his clothes. "Go wash up." She turned to gather their already packed things, moving them to the front while Jeno was washing up. She stopped in front of the mirror. The girl was still not used to the new look. The bathroom door swung open, revealing Jeno.

Jeno had his done, gelled down on one side to reveal his forehead. Hana rarely saw his hair up, it was always covering his forehead.

Her heart began beating fast, making the blood rush to her face

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Her heart began beating fast, making the blood rush to her face. "How about we stay here so you can keep staring at me, hm?" Jeno suggested, leaning on the doorframe. Hana snapped out of her thoughts, slapping her face a few times. "Hell nah, I'm not risking a trip."

"Maybe dying our hair was a good idea." Jeno stood behind Hana, looking at their matching hair. They both had dyed their hair blond. Jeno gently ran his hand through her hair, admiring how it suited her. Hana shuddered at how messy dying their hair was. "Thank god we didn't choose red." Jeno's eyes lit up, meeting her eyes in the mirror. The girl shook her head no, knowing it was going to be even worse. "Maybe when we graduate." The thought of Hana in red was so sexy to Jeno. He turned her around, cupping her face in his hands. He squished her face so her lips were puckered out. Jeno left multiple pecks on her lips making Hana smack him for messing up her lip tint.

A knock sounded at their door. Jeno groaned, having to stop his kisses. He angrily opened the door to reveal Jieun and Haechan. They were in matching outfits from head to toe, even the socks were matching. The two couples stared at each other. One taking in the new hair while the other was taking in their outfit. "You guys are so cringe." Haechan scoffed. "You are literally matching from head to toe." Hana rolled her eyes.

The girl happily skipped out the door, holding Jieun's outstretched hand. The girls left the two boys to deal with their suitcases. "Should I dye my hair?" Jieun asked Hana. She quickly nodded. "Yes! You would look so good in blue. We can buy some hair dye when we get there."

"Who's idea was this?" Haechan eyed Jeno's hair. Jeno stayed silent, giving Haechan an answer. "You are so in love with her that you want the whole world to know she's yours." The boy laughed. Jeno shook his head. "It was a good idea, right?" He wiggled his eyebrows, biting his lips. "HANA GET YOUR BOYFRIEND." A terrified Haechan yelled after Hana. "You can have him, I have Jieun!" The two girls giggled, running to the elevators.

The two boys stared at each other. "Dye mine, I want to match with Jieun."


Hana was carsick. So carsick. She forgot how rough the roads were in Vietnam, especially when she's sitting in the middle seat. Jieun and Jeno were rubbing her back as she vomited into the plastic bag. Haechan was occupied trying to open a bottle of water that seemed to be glue shut. "I glued that bottle because I was mad at Jeno last night." Hana admitted before vomiting again.

"What's this?" Hana held up the phone to Jeno's face. On the screen were text messages between Jeno and Hana's father. He had reached out to Jeno to talk about Hana. There was even a message from Jeno asking for her father's blessing to date her. Jeno's eyes went wide, realizing she wasn't happy. "I'm sorry. Do you want some time alone? You can text me when you're ready and we can talk." Hana nodded at his suggestion. He quickly kissed her head before heading out the door.
Jeno came back to the room with bags in his hands. Hana sat facing the door with her arms crossed. "Jesus christ." Jeno jumped as he turned to see Hana sitting there. She eyed the bags in his hand. "I bought some stuff we could do and snacks." Hana stifled a laugh, realizing he couldn't communicate with the cashier. "The lady kept wanting to take a picture with me, she kept doing the camera motion."

He quickly placed the bags down. Sitting down next to Hana, he prepared himself for her to yell at him. Instead, she sat in silence. "I don't like when you do things behind my back, especially when it involves my father. I feel upset that you know how I feel about him and don't want anything to do with him yet you still do it." Hana spoke softly, being careful with her words.

"I understand. I promise I won't do things behind your back anymore. I know you don't want anything to do with him but I saw it as respect to ask him, afterall you were once his precious daughter. I won't do anything like that again." Jeno took her hand into his, reassuring her. The girl nodded, relieved that this was solved without violence. "Let's dye our hair." Jeno changed the topic, smiling at her.

"You're insane." Haechan was baffled. "You were mad at him so you decided to slowly kill him by depriving him of water." Jeno stared at Haechan who was still fumbling with the water. He snatched it out of his hand, opening it in one motion, and passed it to Hana. "She does weird things when she's mad." Haeun patted Jeno's back from behind them. "She once hid the kitchen knives so I couldn't cook because she was mad we couldn't eat out. We had to eat out that night." Hana's mom added, making everyone laugh.

After some time, she eventually got less sick. Hana laid her head on Jieun's shoulder, the two girls cuddling each other. They eventually fell asleep the rest of the way. Jeno and Haechan were busy taking pictures of their girlfriends. Haechan even woke Hana up by accident, making her throw her pillow at him. Hopefully this trip would be fun.

 Hopefully this trip would be fun

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