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"AAAAAAAA!" Haechan yelled into the mountains. The group just arrived at their homestay, where they will be staying for the next few days. Everyone was busy unloading while Jieun and Hana were busy throwing up on the side of the road from car sickness and the change in altitude. Both boys rushed to their girlfriends side, patting their backs.

Hana was exhausted from throwing up constantly. It was beginning to become a concern for her mom. "Are you pregnant?" Hana's mom asked. The question took Jeno and Hana by surprise. The poor girl toppled over a rock hearing the question.

"Mama you're insane." Hana forced out, squatting on the ground.

Jeno smiled awkwardly at Hana's mom. "She won't even sleep in the same bed with me without a pillow." He reassured her mom. Jieun was also being hassled by her mom for throwing up.

"Let's get some rest and we can meet up later. Don't do anything dumb." Jeno's dad warned the group. He glared at Haechan and Jeno, making both boys look away from his gaze.


The four had settled into their respective areas of the house. The girls were going to share a room while the boys shared the other room. They all knew that this arrangement would switch at night.

Jieun flopped on the bed, getting cozy under the covers. Hana removed her makeup before joining her best friend. They caught up on things that happened while Hana was in Vietnam. They eventually dozed off, exhausted from traveling all day.

The door opened quietly, making a small creaking noise. Hana slightly opened her eyes to see Jeno at the door, peeking in. He began closing the door, seeing the two fast asleep. "Jeno." Hana whispered, making Jeno stop.

The door swung open as Jeno walked in. He squatted down to meet her eyes. "You feeling better?" His hand went to her forehead as if he was checking her temperature. The girl raised an eyebrow at his action. Jeno placed a small bag on the nightstand. "I bought medicine for nausea and stomach cramps."

Hana looked back at Jeno, wondering how he knew. "How'd you know?"

"The first time you stayed over, you were having cramps. It's around the same time so I figured this would be necessary."


"Have a good night!" Hana called out to the last customers. She quickly undid her apron. Quickly locking up and gathering her things, she made a run for the academy knowing she was extremely late.

Hana was out of breath as she reached the locker room. She was so tired she didn't see a presence next to her. "I could have picked you up." Jeno was leaning on the locker, arms crossed.

She shook her head no. "My mom got called into work last minute so she took my car. It was too late to call you anyways." Hana groaned in pain, holding her stomach. This didn't go unnoticed by the male. He approached her, holding onto her arm.

"Are you okay?" Hana felt lightheaded, grabbing onto his arm for balance. Jeno quickly guided her to the bench before she passed out and hit her head on the lockers. Hana hated the time of the month, especially near competitions and showcases.

After some time, she got up and grabbed her things to change. "Hana just dismiss them and go home." Jeno suggested seeing how much pain she was in. She shook her head, ignoring him.

Practice ended with Hana on the floor. Everyone had already left, leaving her by herself. She didn't want to go home since no one was home. "Are you going home?" Jeno called out to her. He had all of her stuff and his stuff in his hand.

"No, I think I'll go study at a library." Hana sat up, fixing her hair. Jeno checked the time on his phone to see it was 11:32PM. "Do you want to stay over at mine then? Jaemin won't be home." The male hesitated. "You can think about it and tell me when I come back." Jeno added before leaving to lock the doors and turn off the lights.

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