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Showcase day.

Hana was restless. She could not sleep for the life of her. She danced all night on the stage. Just her and the music. It was supposed to make her calm but she somehow found herself rehearsing the set list by herself. Jeno was also restless, the girl wasn't answering her phone.

The door slammed open revealing an out of breath Jeno. "YAH! DO HANA!" Jeno screamed over the music. Hana held up her hand to stop him from talking. "Too early for this."

"Where the hell have you been?" Jeno asked, catching his breath. "Here." She replied simply. Jeno ran his hand through his hair, slightly annoyed. "You didn't sleep, didn't you?" Hana shrugged while walking off the stage. She gathered her things walking to the door. Jeno was standing in the doorway. "Move."

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "To breakfast?" Hana crossed her arm, getting tired of his bullshit. "No you aren't." Jeno pushed the girl back inside, shutting the door behind him. He walked towards her, with dark eyes. She stepped back in fear until her back hit the wall.

Jeno leaned one arm on the wall, the other tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "You drive me crazy." His breath was hot on her face. He was dangerously close to her. "If I had it my way, I'd be kissing you right now." He cocked her head at her.

"What's stopping you?" She taunted him, knowing it was driving him crazy. "You need your energy and I need to control myself for later." Hana bit her lip in frustration with the mention of the showcase.

"Trust me, it's worth it." Jeno pressed his lips onto hers, satisfying a bit of both of their needs. He removed himself from the girl, letting her walk away. "I got you breakfast." Jeno held up two bags that were on the floor. "Thank god you did. My legs hurt like hell." Hana's eyes lit up from the mention of food.


Hana tapped her foot, confused as to what was wrong. Taeyong was pacing back and forth wondering with Hana too. The boys' formations looked off. Their moves were perfect but the formation was wonky. "Maybe it's because they're marking it and need to have someone stand in on the stunt?" Taeyong turned to Hana with the suggestion.

Hana was supposed to be in this song with the boys but they have never practiced this part with her. Hana was supposed to run, jump, and be pushed up by Jisung and Chenle. Once in the air, she would do a flip while kicking the boards on the way down. Jaemin had Haechan on his shoulder holding the board on a stick while Jeno and Renjun supported Haechan from the back.

"Let's try it." Hana removed her shoes before walking on stage. "Hana. Your hand." Jeno reminded her. She looked down at hers and everyone else's. Everyone had their wraps on their hand to support their wrist, everyone but Hana. Hana ignored Jeno's reminder. She motioned to Taeyong to start the music. She marked her spots until the movement of the stunt. Hana took a deep breath before breaking into a run. Jisung and Chenle pushed her upwards, giving her good height. Jeno watched as her legs extended into a kick. Something was off about her form. On her way down, Jeno realized why she had a hard time reaching for the boards.

"HANA, TUCK!" But it was too late.

Hana had gained a good height but failed to tuck on her flip, throwing off her balance. It had delayed her landing and she fell right onto the floor. Her shoulder hitting the hard surface of the stage with a sickening sound.

Jeno was the first to run towards her. Hana laid there motionless, feeling pain run through her entire body. This pain was worse than any pain she had ever felt. Tears rolled down her face non-stop. Hana didn't know if she was crying from the pain or if it was from the stress or from everything.

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