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D-1 till showcase

Tonight was the last night before the showcase. Hana decided that everyone had worked hard enough and deserved a break before putting their all into the showcase. She decided that she wanted some alone time. She headed to the stage area, where it was unoccupied.

She had spent every minute of the past week in this room. She practically slept on the floor instead of her bed. Hana was more than nervous for tomorrow. This was her first showcase as captain. She never understood how Mark was able to do it for the past 4 years.

Everyday was the exact same for her. She had rehearsals with the younger kids in the morning, the teenage group was at noon, and her group was the rest of the afternoon until evening. She'd sometimes stay back practicing her part that she didn't get to run through as she was busy correcting others. She usually didn't get a break until 3-4 AM. Taeyong saw how tired she was getting and offered to take over for a bit. Hana was thankful for Taeyong. With the free time she had, she went back to hang out with her family.

The room began to feel suffocating. She decided to take a walk to one of the coffee shops nearby. The groupchat with the team was blowing up. Everyone was making plans to do this and that. Hana smiled seeing the team having a fun time. She was grateful they had one more full week in Vietnam before flying back to Korea. She had a lot of plans for the team.

"Hana." The voice was unfamiliar. No one except for the team called her Hana in Vietnam. This voice definitely did not belong to someone on the team. Hana looked up to the voice. It was her father.

He looked much different than what she remembered. He looked much older. Next to him was his daughter. Seojin. The same girl from many years ago.

"What are you doing here?" Her father asked. "Don't tell me you're here to ask for money." Seojin snarled before Hana could think. Hana stayed silent. "I was right, she's asking for money, dad."

Hana just laughed at how crazy she sounded. "What's so funny? I'll rip your jaw apart." Seojin raised a hand, ready to slap Hana. As her hand came down, a hand stopped her. Hana's eyes followed the arm up to see it was Jeno and Jaemin.

Seojin's eyes widened seeing the two boys. "Jeno? Jaemin?" Her voice feigned innocence. Seojin, Jeno, Jaemin, and Hana used to go to the same school. Seojin was obsessed with Jeno, and everyone knew about it. Jeno paid no attention to her attempts at getting with him. He'd just ignored her completely and eventually she went to Jaemin instead, who did the exact same thing. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I'd rethink slapping her if I were you." Jaemin scoffed. Hana started rubbing her body to keep warm as the wind got stronger. Jeno slid off his jacket, placing it around her body. "Who are you?" Hana's father spoke up, questioning the two boys who were protecting his daughter. The three of them stayed silent, ignoring the two people in front of them. Jeno offered a hand to Hana to help her up. Hana took his hand and pulled herself up. "Hana, he's your father, show some respect, you whore."

Jaemin was getting annoyed. "Close your mouth, Seojin. It fucking stinks." Jeno stifled a laugh hearing Jaemin's insult.

"Seojin-ah. You're right. He's my biological father. Thanks to him I was born into this world. But he's not my father. I never had a father. I thought I had one until he decided that money was better than his family." Hana said, turning to her father and Seojin.

"Appa. Thank you for giving me life but thank you for also showing me that blood isn't always family. You went 8 years without contacting me, and I ask that you'd continue to do so. You chose to step out of my mother, my sister and I's life. I choose to make sure you don't step back in. I haven't ruined your family, so don't ruin mine again. I hope you have a good night and the life you deserve, Mr. Do." Hana bowed to the man before leaving.

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