Chapter 1 - Confrontation

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"Are you sure there is a person in that old house, Chief Zhao?" Chu curiously asked as his chief came back alive after the shot gun incident a few months ago.

Zhao Yunlan nods admitted.

"Are you sure, chief? Weren't you hallucinating to see that person in that house?" Da Qing also asked made Zhao Yunlan frowned in confusion.

"Why are you asking me like I am lying to you about that person who helped me through those months in that house?" Zhao Yunlan curious and also confused.

"Because no one in that house, chief! The neighborhood said that house is an abandoned house which burned about 5 years ago. No one is living at there since that house is burned and cause the death of a family in that house," Lin stated the truth.

Zhao Yunlan swallows hard to know that news which he didn't know it at all.

"How can? I saw her and she helped me through the months. She even treated my wound till healed," Zhao Yunlan stated.

"Do you mean this girl? Or this woman?" Lin asked as he put down the document with a picture in an old news.

Zhao Yunlan looks at the picture of the girl and woman. He frowns to see that girl. Still beautiful as the picture shown. His hand is shaking to show to them around him about the person he saw in that picture. The others around him widened their eyes to see that girl in the picture. No way! How can a dead girl was treating their chief through those months till his chief is healthy back. Only the closed wound can be seen on the chest of their chief.

"Three people are died in a burning house this morning... Three... A family..." Zhao Yunlan read that old news with his trembling heart to think of the girl he met and lived together through those months.

"Yes, chief. A family with three people in that house were burned. Fully burned till the police can't recognize their faces. Only their DNA can prove that those corpses are them," Lin told the truth and the others nod admitted for the information they got.

"This girl named Shen Wei and her both parents, Mr. Shen Nong and Mrs. Shen Lian. Those three are already died. Weren't you seeing the quarter of that house is burned out when you lived at there?" Da Qing asked to confirm when he saw the quarter of that house is burned and not renovate yet.

"I didn't alert of that house surrounding. I just lived inside the house and only a part of the house since half of the house is blocked by something. I never ask her for that part of house when I thought it's not important for me to know it," Zhao Yunlan told the truth.

They looked at each other before Zhao Yunlan decided to take a rest in his office today. He just came back from that house this morning after he confirmed that his wound is already healed. So he wanted to continue his work as well as to report that he is still alive after that gun shot incident. He knows all of them thought that he was died after he fell off that sea. But no one know that girl saved him and helped him till he is healthy back through those months. Yes, he almost died in that incident but he survived because of that girl. His mind rewinded back to his life with that girl through those months.

Zhao Yunlan woke up after a month he was in a coma state after that gun shot incident. He remembered he was shot and fell off into the sea from that jungle mountain. His staffs failed to save him and also to find him. After a month they can't find his body or trace, his staffs thought that he was died and drowned to the seabed of that sea. So his staffs reported him as died. After he woke up, he didn't remember who is he when that girl kept helping him to be alive and healthy back.

Zhao Yunlan even didn't know where was he at that time. He just knew that he was safe and he lived in a secluded area in a house with only a part of house. But he never ask to that girl for why are they lived just in a part of house, not full house. Through those months with that girl, he never feel alone and that girl only treated him like a friend and a family member. She never ask further for who is him, where he came from and so on. She just talked about their lifes in that house through those months.

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