Chapter 6 - Secret Door

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Shen Wei can't help to mad at Zhao Yunlan for her worry to see this guy tried to open that secret door. She is afraid if Zhao Yunlan will be in dangered. She didn't want something to happen to this special guy. What special? Of course about her fallen heart towards this guy. She knows her heart already chose Zhao Yunlan for her romantic feeling but she is afraid to tell to Zhao Yunlan. Afraid if she will be rejected by this guy. She knows her condition now in this house.

"Zhao Yunlan, you should not try to open it. I told you about this door, right?" Shen Wei repeated her warning over Zhao Yunlan who is still confused.

"But I didn't come to here willingly, Shen Wei. I remembered your warning to me. But I didn't know how can I am here now. I remembered I heard that calling from that voice. He asked me to open this door and to not trust you. I am confused. But I told to him I trusted you and I will not influence by him. So, I just pulled my blanket to cover my head and I slept. I didn't know how can I was ended at here now," Zhao Yunlan explained his situation from the last night till now in front of them.

Shen Wei sighs in defeated to hear Zhao Yunlan told to her that he trusted her to not influence by that voice from this secret door.

"What is it behind this door, Shen Wei?" Chu asked.

Shen Wei sighs again but now more to guilty feeling to hide about this secret door from them.

"I can feel the dark aura from here like a black magic, something like that. I wonder what is it behind this door. Or maybe inside a room?" Lin mentioned.

"How did you know about that dark aura? Are you a monk?" Shen Wei asked.

Lin smiles.

"More or less. My father sent me to be a monk. I was in Kunlun Temple since child till I was teenager. Then, I chose my path through the modern world and I chose this police path for my future. The monks at there disappointed to let me chose my own path in this modern world. They said I was good to be a monk. But I don't have that interest even though I have that ability. You know, to be a monk, I can't marry and my head will be bald," Lin told about himself and at the last he whined over the monk situation.

Shen Wei nods understand while the others almost laughed to hear Lin's whining over the monk situation.

"But you can't see the ghosts around you?" Shen Wei curious as she knows from them that they all can't see the ghosts if not she brought them into that burned place to let them see the real ghosts at there.

"Because I asked my master to hide that ability for me except to feel. I don't want to see the varieties of ghosts in this world. Some of them are so scary to be seen. I don't want to be an intermediate for them to hear whatever they talk around us. It can make me headache with that noisy, you know," Lin honestly told.

Shen Wei nods again, understand that situation if Lin let that ability still revealed to the ghosts around him. It will be a noisy condition. Shen Wei can understand that situation when now she has that ability to be the intermediate for the ghosts. Everyday she can hear each of the ghost talked to her, talked around her and even disturbed her sleep.

"So, what it is behind this door?" Zhu asked too, interrupted Shen Wei's mind to think of her situation as an intermediate for the ghosts in this house now.

Shen Wei sighs again.

"Let's have a seat first. I will tell you everything about that secret door. I know I should not hide about that door if I want to get a help from you to know about this house incident," Shen Wei said.

"Indeed, Shen Wei! If you can't trust us to tell the truth, how can we trust you to help you?" Chu strictly stated made Shen Wei swallowed hard to think of her guilty feeling to not trust 100% to them since beginning.

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