Chapter 7 - Who Are You?

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Zhao Yunlan looks at them all and he saw Shen Wei's face is a bit worrying to let him gambling in trying to open this secret door now. After their discussion and Zhao Yunlan suggested this plan to try it, all of them agreed to let him try except Shen Wei who is still half hearted to let him does it. Yezhun also worried to let Zhao Yunlan does this plan. But like Zhao Yunlan said, they will not know the truth behind this door if they didn't try it. Besides, they already saw this morning that Zhao Yunlan is fine to try to open that door on the last night under his unconscious.

"Please don't worry, Shen Wei. If you trust me, then please don't worry. Let me do it with a calm heart," Zhao Yunlan requested.

"Err... Please, just do it. I am just worried," Shen Wei said.

Zhao Yunlan sighs.

"You know what, Shen Wei? Since I know you, my heart will not be calmed every time I saw your worry face. Just please trust me to do this and don't worry. Trust me, okay?" Zhao Yunlan assured to Shen Wei about his plan.

Shen Wei sighs too but in defeated to worry over this chief. She should not worry too much. Zhao Yunlan is a chief of police. He already escaped the death a few months ago. And now he is fine. Totally fine. So, she should not worry over Zhao Yunlan even for this plan. Zhao Yunlan knows what he needs to do to discover the truth behind this door. She needs a help from Zhao Yunlan and those police. So she needs to trust them. Whatever happens after this, they all need to protect each other under the trust to each other. That's all.

Zhao Yunlan smiles to see the assurance smile from Shen Wei as she defeated to worry over Zhao Yunlan's plan. The other staffs get ready with anything. Chu, Da Qing and Zhu hold the guns while Lin and Guo hold the knifes to protect themselves. Only Zhao Yunlan didn't have any weapon to protect him. But Shen Wei will standby to protect Zhao Yunlan.

"Alright! I will open this door now! Please don't mad at me to open this door. You asked me to open it. So please corporate with us for why did you ask me to open this door!" Zhao Yunlan said to the unknown and then he easily opens that secret door while the others are surprised to see nothing behind this door as well as no injury occurred for them all under Zhao Yunlan's did to open this secret door.

Shen Wei and Yezhun look at each other when no one is injured now. No burning feeling within Shen Wei's body or even to the other staffs too. Shen Wei frowns to see this situation now. She heard that voice calling from inside to let Zhao Yunlan and them to enter that room. And Zhao Yunlan is still talking to the unknown like to reply to that voice calling.

"I told you to not trust Shen Wei! And now you brought her inside as well. Aren't you worried to see her at here, Zhao Yunlan? I may hurt her soon," that voice calling asked to Zhao Yunlan as they entered to this secret room.

Shen Wei just silents as she wants to trust Zhao Yunlan 100%.

"Who are you? And why only me can open that door without any problem? Why are you asking me to not trust her as well?" Zhao Yunlan directly asked to that unknown.

That voice laughed.

"Because you have what Shen Wei didn't have. That old man asked her to guard on me and those ghosts but she didn't have what you have, Zhao Yunlan. She can see those ghosts, she can hear my voice. But she can't see me without your help, Zhao Yunlan. She can't help me like you can. She didn't have it. That old man wrongly chose a human to guard on me. She needs you to guard on me, Zhao Yunlan," that voice said made Shen Wei frowns in confusion.

What is it that Zhao Yunlan has but she didn't? What is it that voice mentioned about?

"What do you mean by that? What is it I have it?" Zhao Yunlan asked in confusion too.

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