Chapter 4 - Through the wall

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Zhao Yunlan and the others stiffened at their stood to see what through that wall. The more speechless to see what in front of them now. Also around them. Their faces are paler now to see what they should not see. How can it's happening now when they can't see that before? Zhao Yunlan swallows hard to see the person at the side of Shen Wei. Too identical to Shen Wei's face.

"No wonder you can easily believe that he is your twin didi, Shen Wei. So, he is really identical to you. Exactly like you," Zhao Yunlan mentioned with surprised.

"Like a copy paste of you, Shen Wei," Da Qing added.

"But how can we see him now unlike before? And even they all in here too? What's happening? What did you do, Shen Wei to make us can see them all in here? Did you chanting us with a magic spell or what?" Chu curiously asked, a bit amazed to be in this place now.

"Are they ghosts too like Yezhun?" Zhu also asked.

Shen Wei nods admitted to Zhu and she smiles to them four.

"I am sorry to let you see them now. Whoever passed that wall and be in this burning space can see what they can't see. At first, I was like you all. Never expect that I can see them in here. This burning space is like a trapped place for them. The first time I can see them especially my didi when that old man told to me about my didi after he saved me from that fire. You know I feel like someone gave me a power to deal with them, the ghosts in this house. I mean in this place," Shen Wei told the detail.

"You mean we also got that power now?" Lin asked in curiosity.

"No! That's not what I mean. I mean is you can see them now but you can't pass through that wall if not I brought you inside like I did now. If you walked out from this place, you can't see them like I did," Shen Wei explained.

Lin sighs.

"You mean you can see them even outside of this house too?" Lin asked again.

Shen Wei shakes her head.

"I can only see them in this house whether in this space or at outside of this space, but not at outside of this house. That's why I always prevented my didi to walk out from this house like he requested from me even for a second," Shen Wei told about her ability to see them and with the last sentence from her made Yezhun glared at her for unsatisfied to not get that permission to directly see the sunlight at outside.

"Then, only you have that ability now?" Zhu asked to confirm, cut Yezhun from sulking over his twin sister now.

Shen Wei nods.

"Alright! Now I can understand the situation now. So, why are you bringing us to this place now? Is it to let us see them? Or do you have any plan to let us passed through that wall too?" Zhao Yunlan curiously asked to Shen Wei.

The others nod agreed with their chief's asking.

"Jiejie needs your help to find the truth about this place for how can the fire suddenly appeared at that time without any source," Yezhun interrupted to their talk.

Zhao Yunlan looks at Shen Wei to get a confirmation for those words from Yezhun. Shen Wei nods admitted.

"Before this place was burning, I feel like I was seen by unseen. But I never tell to my parents about that since I thought I was just scared to live alone when they were working. You know this house was built for century ago. Dad bought this house about 20 years ago when I was 7 years old. Neighborhood never tell about this house but we noticed that they were always afraid to come closer. We thought they felt hesitated to be closed to us since dad was a rich man in this neighborhood. Maybe they were hesitated to talk with us. So, we were not socialized like the others. But you know... These souls... I mean these ghosts you see in here now are all from the burning house incident before what's happened to my family. Their souls were trapped at here like Yezhun. But I wonder for why I can't see my parents at here like I saw them," Shen Wei kept telling the real happening in this place since the past years back.

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