Chapter 13 - Found them

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Zhao Yunlan hurriedly drove to Shen Wei's house when that old man escaped from that abandoned building to find Shen Wei to seal back Sang in that house. Guo and Lin were left in that abandoned building to let out the remaining missing souls in that souls cage. Lin already called his master from the temple he learned the monk things before this to help him to let out these missing souls and luckily that temple is not far from this abandoned building.


Zhao Yunlan entered that abandoned building while connecting to Lin through the earpiece and micro camera he wore now. Of course Zhao Yunlan will not enter that dangerous abandoned building without any preparation. And Lin, he knew the way his chief worked. So, he didn't tell to Guo about that to make the situation was real for Guo's eyes. Why he wanted to make it real?

It's because Lin and Zhao Yunlan were afraid if there were eyes around them without they knowing and those eyes may inform to that old man and that old man will be escaped before Zhao Yunlan can get that old man inside. So, if they told to Guo about that preparation, with Guo's scaredy mouse condition, they were afraid this hidden plan will be ruined by Guo since Guo is just under the training for the recruitment.

"Lin ge, can you look surrounding too? Don't always listen to your music! Please help me to look around too!" Guo whined to see Lin wore the headphone and listened to music maybe through Lin's phone, unknowingly to Guo that Lin was observing on their chief inside that abandoned building now.

"Leave me alone, Xiao Guo! You just do you task to look around. I still can alert around us with this headphone on my ears, okay!" Lin scolded made Guo sighed in frustration to not get a proper help from Lin now since he was scared if they were under attack without they alerting on that.

Lin ignored Guo at there and he kept observing on his chief. He watched the video from his phone where his chief kept captured through the micro camera with his chief. Sometimes his chief softly giggled to hear the words from Lin over Guo. He can't help to silently laugh to hear the whining over Guo to look around them at outside of this building.

"This place has a strong black magic sealing but I guess you and I can go through on this building soon after we caught him. Or maybe if he went out from this building soon, that sealing maybe weakening," Zhao Yunlan whispered to Lin through the earpiece on his ear.

Lin hummed to hear those words from his chief.

"But for now, stay outside till I can find him inside. Let me check the situation first," Zhao Yunlan added and he kept walking into that abandoned building.

Zhao Yunlan can feel the black magic sealing was getting stronger into the building. He kept following that sealing to the stronger energy and finally he was ended up in front of the basement. He frowned to see this basement without a door. Maybe this basement already ruined before this building was abandoned. But for Zhao Yunlan, that's good enough to not have a door for this basement. So that he can enter this basement without a distraction of door screeching or so on. And with that, Zhao Yunlan entered that basement with carefully to not disturb anything around.


Zhao Yunlan startled to hear that sweet voice from the basement like a whispering. It's a girl's voice. And that whispering was like Sang whispered to call him before this to open that secret door. Zhao Yunlan looked around but he can't see anything. Just a voice was heard like he heard Sang's voice before. Zhao Yunlan kept looking around him to make sure no one inside in that basement. And like that voice owner knew what he wanted to check, he heard that voice again.

"Please don't worry. He is not here now. He left us for now. Please come in and come closer to this souls cage," that voice said made Zhao Yunlan startled again but now he assured himself to talk to Lin through his earpiece as he heard that voice said no one inside this basement now.

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