Chapter 5 - First night staying

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Shen Wei showed the rooms for each of them to share. Of course Zhu is sharing with Shen Wei in that house since only her is a girl among Zhao Yunlan's staffs. Lin is sharing with Da Qing while Chu is sharing with a new staff, Guo Changcheng. Of course they let Guo to share with Chu because of the scary face and behavior of Chu may help Guo from being a frightening boy sooner or later.

"Zhao Yunlan, what are you doing in the kitchen alone? Are you hungry?" Shen Wei asked to Zhao Yunlan as she saw that guy is leaning near the cabinet.

"Oh, Shen Wei! Why are you still awaked? It's already midnight now," Zhao Yunlan asked back as he saw Shen Wei behind him.

Shen Wei smiles.

"I never sleep at night. Always stand by with anything in this house. You know those souls are not all kind. Sometimes they threw the tantrums in this house. I need to be awaked till dawn to check on the situation in this house. I am afraid they will disturb the humans at outside. When the dawn came, I will take my sleep till sunrise," Shen Wei told the truth.

"Do you mean you only slept for a few hours every night? Even when I was here before, you also never slept?" Zhao Yunlan asked in surprised.

Shen Wei nods.

"I have to. Or else, those naughty souls will do the disturbance to the humans," Shen Wei admitted while hiding the real reason she needs to stay up at night till dawn if not because of that secret door.

Zhao Yunlan didn't suspect anything and he just nods understand. He then picks up two cups from the cabinet and he prepares two cups of hot white coffee for him and also for Shen Wei. He wants to know everything about those souls and this house. But he knows Shen Wei will not tell everything at the same time. He needs to be patient to know the story of this house. Like Shen Wei said, she also didn't have the whole story of this house especially about the previous burning fire incidents happened in this house.

"For you," Zhao Yunlan offered one of the cups of white coffee to Shen Wei.

"Thanks," Shen Wei accepted that cup from Zhao Yunlan and she sips a little before she takes a seat at the dine table in that kitchen.

"Most welcome, Shen Wei. Well, tell me about the tantrums of those souls did under your observation for this time, Shen Wei," Zhao Yunlan requested.

Shen Wei sighs.

"May I cut some fruits to eat while we are talking about that?" Shen Wei requested back for the other thing to do.

Zhao Yunlan nods while arching his eyebrows to let Shen Wei does the cutting fruits for them to eat while talking soon. Shen Wei just smiles happily to have an accompany tonight. She never mad or hesitate to see Zhao Yunlan tried to know about this house and those souls. She is happy to have someone else who can trust her and can accept who is actual she to those souls.

Unknowingly to Zhao Yunlan that those souls are excited to see the relationship between Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan right now. For them, they can see the difference of Shen Wei to see Zhao Yunlan in a romantic way. And they know Shen Wei can see them right now. But Shen Wei didn't tell about them at there to that guy. Maybe Shen Wei didn't want to scare of that guy to know that guy is seeing by unseen in this house.

"When my dad bought this house and I was always left alone at home during my parents were working, I can feel that someone or maybe a lot of eyes were seeing me everywhere and anywhere in this house. I thought I may scare of ghosts or what at that time. Then, I just ignored it. I trained myself to be braver than before. Every day, I will feel the same till one day, that wing of this house was burning in fire. Both my parents were died and their bodies were buried by the policemen in that funeral. I can't see them because at that time I was in a dark room. That old man brought me to there when he replaced Yezhun to be me. Since that day, I can't go out from this house as told by that old man. I tried to go out from this house, but the outside will hurt me. I will feel the burning within my body made me in pain. And I also can hear my didi's crying for the pain. After Wu shu came to here, he warned to me to not go out from this house if I want to see my didi again..." Shen Wei stopped her story for a moment when Zhao Yunlan cut her words.

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