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Lena Luthor sat behind her desk in side her office reviewing the profiles of the freelance cybersecurity experts she needed it hire to update her security measures of her business. One in particular caught her eye. "Kara Danvers age 24. Former Gunnery Sergeant, background in cybersecurity, educated at MIT, honorably discharged from the Marine Corps two years ago. She seems perfect on paper. Jess? Could you call Miss Danvers in for an interview, say tomorrow at eight." Lena stated. "Yes Miss Luthor." Jess replied.

Just outside the city Kara was getting her exercise with her retired bomb sniffing dog Sirius or as he was known in the Marines Alpha K1. He was there when the accident happened. That day had haunted her dreams for months now, that and the day her long term girlfriend decided that she didn't want anything to do with a 'broken woman, you're a broken woman Kara! No one will want to be with you!' Then she left the hospital room. That was over two years and six months ago. Between then and now she had managed to get back into her old routine. The prosthetic left leg didn't stop her from doing things she loved.

Just as she was heading back towards her house her phone rang. "Hello? This is she. Tomorrow at eight? Yes ma'am! I'll be there!" She did it! She got an interview at L Corp. She had to prepare now. If she got the job she'd be moving into the city closer to Alex her sister. "Come on Sirius! Let's go call Alex and tell her that we're coming to visit." Kara said as she went inside to pack a weekend bag.

Back inside L. Corp Lena was busy thinking about the mysterious Kara Danvers. There was something about her that Lena wanted to know more about. 'Why was she discharged?' 'Why cybersecurity?' 'Is she single?' Ok so that last one wasn't important but Lena wanted to know either way. She kept looking over her papers everything was perfect. Checking the time Lena decided she'd go out of the office to grab lunch today.

Kara just pulled up to her favorite restaurant in National City 'Noonan's'. She parked her jeep wrangler and got Sirius out. They sat outside enjoying the sunshine when the waitress asked what she wanted. "Two orders of potstickers and a glass of sweet tea please." Kara replied. The waitress nodded and disappeared. The place was getting full with people when Kara looked up to see a dark haired woman standing near her table. "Is it ok if I join you?" The woman asked politely.

"Sure. Alpha K1 back." Kara replied as the malinois backed around the blondes chair. The other woman sat opposite her and cocked an eyebrow. "That's an odd name for a dog." The woman stated. "It's not his name. His name is Sirius but he's been trained to listen to that name." Kara replied. "Oh..ok does the owner have a name?" The woman asked. "Kara. Kara Danvers ma'am. And you are?" Kara asked extending her hand out just as the waitress came back out to ask for the other woman's order.

"Lena Luthor. Pleasure to meet you." She replied. "I have an interview with you tomorrow at 0800, unless you want to do it now. I have time either way." Kara replied. "We can do it now. I don't mind." Lena replied. "Ok. Let's get it started then." Kara replied. Lena pulled out the blondes folder for her bag and sat it on the table.

"So you were honorably discharged from the Marine Corps? Would you mind explaining what that means?" Lena asked. "Hitting with the big questions. You remind me of a member of my squad. I was injured when the vehicle I was driving hit an IED." Kara stated. "I see. Is it ok what happened? What you got injured?" Lena asked. Kara took a bite of her potstickers and looked off into the distance before looking back at the woman. "I told my squad to get out and get as far away as possible. Then I sent Sirius out and gave him an order to go. When everyone else was out I got out and before I could move too far I was flying backwards twenty feet. I woke up a week later in a military hospital on base, missing my left leg from the knee down. That's how I got honorably discharged with a silver star for my bravery in a war zone." Kara explained looking more stiff as she spoke.

Lena looked like she was ready to begin crying. "I am so sorry you went through that." Lena replied. Kara only looked at her and nodded. "Did you have anyone to help you recover?" Lena asked. "My sister and my mother came to my aide after my girlfriend left." Kara stated point blank. "Your girlfriend left?" Lena asked. "Yep. Said what everyone else thinks." Kara replied. "And what's that?" Lena asked. "That I'm a broken woman and no one can love a broken woman." Kara replied. Lena was in complete shock at hearing this. "Is there anything else you'd like to know about my work in cybersecurity? Or are gonna keep asking about my personal life?" Kara asked. "Uh..no actually you got the job. You can start tomorrow morning at eight, try to come an hour early so you can get your badge and everything." Lena stated.

"Ok." Kara replied. "So? Do you live in National City?" Lena asked. "Not yet. Now that I have a job I'll be moving here." Kara stated. Lena smiled at this. "Well maybe we can continue getting lunch together, if you like? I'd like to get to know you better." Lena explained. Kara remained stone faced as she looked at the brunette woman. "I guess that can happen. I used to take lunch with my squad members. So why not continue having lunch with my boss." Kara replied. "Oh..." Lena replied softly. "Listen, you seem nice and everything. But I'm not someone you want a relationship with. Not a romantic one anyways. We can be friends though if you like." Kara stated. "I'll take it. So where does your sister work?" Lena asked trying to find out more about this beautiful woman in front of her. "She works for the FBI." Kara replied. "Do you spend a lot of time with her?" Lena asked.

"We get together every Friday night at this dive bar called Al's." Kara added. "Maybe I'll stop by sometime." Lena replied with a smile. Kara looked at her and began thinking. 'There's something different about her. Maybe I shouldn't be so off putting. Maybe I should give her a chance. Alex did say that not everyone is gonna be a Madison.' "That would be ok. Alex and I get there a little after six. Privates buy first rounds...just in case you come." Kara replied giving the woman a small smile. "Privates?" Lena asked curiously. "Newbie..." Kara replied. "Alright! That's ok with me." Lena replied.

Sirius took this opposite to begin smelling Lena's bag. "Uhhh...is there something wrong with my bag?" Lena asked eyeing the dog. "Alpha K1 what is it?" Kara asked. Sirius barked twice. "Mind if I looked in your bag?" Kara asked. Lena shook her head and picked it up. Kara began looking through it and found nothing of substance in the bag. "Do you always keep mouthwash in here?" Kara asked. "Yes. Sometimes, why?" Lena asked. Kara nodded and looked at Sirius. "It's ok." Kara stated looking at the dog who lay back down.

"Everything ok?" Lena asked. "Yes. Everything is good. I have to get going though. I need to take him for a walk and go apartment hunting." Kara stated "Well ok! I'll see you tomorrow morning then?" Lena asked. "Yes ma'am. I'll be there at 0700 to get everything taken care of." Kara replied. Lena watched her load up Sirius into her red jeep before getting in herself and drove away.

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