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Kara went to the spare room and got undressed before going and taking a long hot shower. Her first day had been long, but she made a lot of progress in letting people in other little bubble so that was something. Thoughts of her boss flooded her mind as he sat in her wheelchair washing herself up. 'She hits everything on the list...and she's already a lot different than Madison...that doesn't matter...I'm gonna take things slow this time...' Kara told herself as she rinsed out he hair before standing up to rinse off her body.

Back in Lena's penthouse she was too was in the shower washing away the long day. Thoughts of the blonde rolled through her head. 'She's very protective...even if it was just a scumbag paparazzi...and oh so sweet....and those eyes...blue eyes that looked like two pools she could get forever lost in...go slow Lena...befriend the sister, befriend her...then work up to ask her out...' Lena thought to herself as she walked out of the shower and began drying off.

Kara had just sat on her bed when Alex appeared in the doorway. "Hey!" Alex spoke softly. "Hey...sorry I didn't come home earlier...I got distracted by fixing more holes in the system. Then I took Lena home after stopping to get food...where we saw Madison...you should have seen it Alex! Madison began her shit....and Lena stood up and slapped her across the face and bitched her out! It was great!" Kara explained. "Sounds like she likes you...Lena..not Madison." Alex replied. "Naw..she was just being nice. But I did scare off a paparazzi asshole...and walked her to her door. She lives in a penthouse! Did you know that? Oh and she's coming to Al's tomorrow night...or tonight...whatever...either way I'm going to sleep now...goodnight Al." Kara stated.

Lena got into bed soon after her shower her mind still on Kara as she lay there in the darkness. She was ready to see what the woman could do later that day. She wondered if she'd open up to her more, maybe this time they'd have lunch in her office. She'd just have to tell her CFO Samantha Arias not to come in at that time. She wanted some alone time with Kara. Sleep over took both women that night really quickly.

At five in the morning Kara was up and  coming out of the shower again and putting her hair up in a tight bun like she did in the Marines, before she put on a tank top, blue jeans and a red and black flannel shirt along with her shoes and prosthetic leg. She made three breakfast burritos, one for Alex, one for herself and the other for Lena. Then she fed Sirius before grabbing her keys and walking out of the apartment.

The ride to work was short even with the stop for two coffees along the way. She guessed at what Lena would drink but given what she knew already she guessed a mocha ice coffee. She parked her jeep in a parking lot and got out with her bag over her shoulder and the coffees and burritos in her hand she began walking to the elevator were she heard someone calling her name from behind. Turning to look she saw Lena walking her way. "Good morning Lena!" Kara greeted. "Good morning Kara! Two coffees and two burritos?" Lena asked curiously.

"Oh no! Um one of each is for you! I guessed on the coffee order but yea...homemade burritos. Made them this morning, I figured if you were one to skip dinner you were probably one to skip breakfast too. So here ya go." Kara replied hading her the iced coffee and a burrito. "Mocha iced coffee?" Lena asked. Kara nodded. "You guessed correctly! And what kind of burrito?" Lena asked. "Sausage, with three types of cheese, refried beans, and there's some salsa to dip it into if thats your thing. Like I said I didn't know what you liked so I guessed." Kara explained as they got onto the elevator together.

Lena couldn't help the butterflies that were dancing around her stomach as they rode up to the top floor. Kara guessed right on everything. "Did you get any sleep?" Lena asked. "Oh yes. I went to Alex's took a shower in the chair and went to sleep." Kara stated. "Chair?" Lena asked as they walked to Kara's office first. "Wheelchair, the legs not waterproof. So I shower in that and then stand only tor rise off before doing everything else." Kara stated. "Oh...well that makes sense. Are we still having lunch today?" Lena asked. "Yea. I'll come by your office around noon. If that's ok?" Kara replied as she opened her office door and put her bag down.

"That's a perfect time! I'll see you then...unless you need something before then." Lena replied. Kara nodded with a smile as she sat her coffee and burrito down. Lena left the office and headed to her own earring a curios look from her assistant Jess. "Miss Luthor? Did you buy breakfast?" Jess asked. "Actually no..Kara made the burrito and bought me coffee. She even guessed what I drink correctly!" Lena replied as she walked into her office shutting the door behind her. Jess couldn't help but smile at her boss. She knew hiring Kara Danvers would be a great idea.

Kara was eyeball deep in numbers and letters when her phone rang alerting her to her mother calling her. "Hey mom!" Kara said greeting her. "Hey darling! How's everything going? Alex said you're adjusting well to your new job." Eliza asked. "Yes! It's great. I've managed to stop all problems so far. I was just working on making more firewalls when you called." Kara replied. "Oh? That sounds...interesting. So how is your boss treating you? I heard you two had lunch together yesterday..." Eliza stated. "Yes mom, Alex was there too." Kara replied rolling her eyes. "She said you saw Madison..." Eliza added. "Yes.. then Lena banded her from L Corp. so it's all good now." Kara added. "I like Lena already!" Eliza stated. "Mom...I've got to get back to making firewalls...can I call you tomorrow?" Kara asked. "Yes darling! Have a good day!" Eliza said before ending the call.

A few hours later Lena sat in her office with her CFO and friend Sam talking over the business. "And she made you a burrito? And bought you coffee? And tackled a paparazzi? Gosh Lena! If you don't date her I will!" Sam exclaimed. "She's not looking for a romantic relationship right now. Oh shit! That's her! I didn't realize it was already lunch time!" Lena grumbled as she heard knocking on her door. Sam got up and answered it seeing the blonde woman in a flannel shirt un buttoned revealing her tank top and her rippling muscles of her abs and arms.

"Is Lena here?" Kara asked. "Oh...yes! She's right here! You must be hunk...I mean Kara! I'm Sam...by the way..." Sam greeted. Kara walked in the office holding several take out boxes and two drinks in her hand. Lena was at her desk so Kara sat everything on the coffee table. "Hey Kara! I'll be there in a moment!" Lena stated as Kara sat down on the sofa. "Are you hungry Sam? There's plenty of everything. Help yourself." Kara stated. Sam smirked at Lena who rolled her eyes in response. "Ohhh Lena's not picky! She likes anything! And thank you for inviting me to stay!" Sam said as she sat beside Kara.

"No problem! Have you worked here long?" Kara asked. "Only about a year, but I like it. How about you? Do you like it so far?" Sam asked. Kara looked at Lena for a moment before turning to speak to Sam. "It's alright. I've only met a handful of people including yourself. Which is ok with me." Kara added quickly as Lena sat down on the other side of Kara.

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