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When Kara got off the phone she looked pale. "Kara are you ok?" Lena asked as she stood up and rushed to her side. "Yea...I'm ok...Alex is preparing to go on assignment  and wants to know if we'll go to her place tonight with Sam for dinner. You don't have to of course if you rather not." Kara replied. "Whats her assignment?" Lena asked. "Dunno...confidential." Kara replied. "Sow when do we need to be there?" Lena asked. "You wanna go?" Kara asked. "Of course I do. She's dating my best friend of course I want to be there the night before she goes on a mission." Lena replied. "Ok..." Kara replied as she sat back down on the sofa.

"So...you were telling me about this mysterious woman you have a thing for...who is it?" Lena asked again. "Just someone...and she's probably not interested in me anyways. So I'm not gonna chase after someone who probably doesn't like me that way or in anyway." Kara replied with a sigh. "Well I'm sure if I knew her name I could talk you up to her...help you get together with her." Lena replied. Kara shook her head and grabbed more pizza.

Later that night Kara and Lena headed straight to Alex's house to have dinner with her and Sam. "Hey guys! Alex is in the kitchen..come sit!" Sam said as she moved to the sofa. Kara and Lena sat down beside her and took the glasses of wine from her. "Soo? Whats up?" Sam asked. Before Kara could say anything Lena jumped in. "Kara's got a crush on someone! But won't tell me who it is! Maybe if we get her drunk enough she'll spill." Lena exclaimed. "Who's your crush Kara?" Sam asked. "It's...not important. Al you need help?" Kara asked before she quickly put her drink down and walked into the kitchen.

"Who do you think it is?" Sam asked Lena. "Well it's obviously not me...." Lena replied. "How do you know it's not! It could be! Kara is good at hiding her emotions. Maybe she's afraid you don't feel the same." Sam replied. "Could be...but I don't think it is. But hey...you ask her on Friday night...if we're still going to Al's bar." Lena replied. "Oh...Alex will be gone then so I won't have a ride home." Sam replied. "Well maybe we can have girls night at my place then. And watch a movie or something...that way you can ask Kara who her crush is!" Lena replied.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Kara and Alex were having a different conversation. "I think that I may have to end things with Sam." Alex stated. "Wait! Why?" Kara asked. "Cause this op isn't gonna be one where I'm back in a few days or so. I'll be going under cover with my partner to track down a sex trafficker. I may be gone months...or a year." Alex stated. "Tell her that. I'm sure she'll wait for you to return...." Kara trailed off due to Alex answering a phone call. Kara took over stirring the pasta while Alex was on the phone talking in hushed tones. A few minutes later Alex was back beside Kara again. "Well?" Kara asked. "I'll be leaving Friday morning and I'll be back in two weeks. I'm not going to Argentina to track them down. I'm being but on a new assignment here in National City. So I'll still be able to be with Sam!" Alex exclaimed. "Good I'm glad!" Kara replied.

Back in the living room Sam just agreed to get Kara. "I'll do my best to get her to tell me." Sam replied. "Good! Shut up..here she comes." Lena whispered as Kara came back into the living room. "Hey guys! Dinners almost ready...what are you two talking about?" Kara asked as she took a seat in a chair. "You beautiful! So this crush? Does she work at L Corp?" Sam asked. Kara remained silent as she thought about what to say. "Does it matter? The person probably has no interest in me. So could you two just drop it. There's only one person here that knows and she's sworn to secrecy." Kara replied.

"Alex! Who's your sister crushing on? Tell me now or no sex!" Sam exclaimed. "Doesn't matter I'm going on assignment Friday morning! And I'm not saying anything!" Alex replied. "I'll get it out of you sooner or later Danvers!" Sam said as she glared at Alex. "Oh stuff it darling...and come eat!" Alex groaned. Once everyone sat down the conversation of Kara's crush continued. "Give us one hint." Lena groaned. Kara rolled her eyes before speaking. "Blue eyes." Kara replied. "But that's practically half the women in the world! Not to mention at L Corp. I'm gonna need another hint." Sam complained.

"Tall." Kara replied shrugging. "Tall, blue eyes...yea that narrows it down a bunch!" Lena groaned. 'If only you knew Lee..how much I like you..' Kara thought to herself. Lena sighed as she began thinking. 'Well it still may be me..but let's see if we can get a hair color out of her...' Lena thought to herself. "Hair color?" Lena asked eying Kara. "Dark...now thats it for hints. Before you ask...I have a plan to tell them that I like them..." Kara replied. Alex shot Kara a questioning look. "You...you're going to attend then?" Alex asked. "Yes. I mean it is a charity event for wounded soldiers. And what am I? Besides....I look great in my dress blues." Kara replied with a smirk.

"What is this we're talking about?" Lena asked. "There's a charity ball for the fundraiser 'Wounded Warrior Project' there's gonna be live music and dancing. I got invited a week ago, Alex and our mom got one too. We're meant to bring a plus one and invite other people. I don't have a plus one..." Kara replied. "What about Lena?" Sam asked. "What? I don't watch to intrude on Kara's asking this random woman out." Lena replied.  Kara faked getting a call and stepped into the living room.

All eyes were on her as she pretended to have a conversation with this mystery woman. "Who do you think it is?" Lena asked softly. "Don't know..." Alex replied. Kara turned around with fake tears in her eyes. Alex knew exactly what she was doing. "Kar? Whats wrong?" Alex asked. "She...can't go...said she has to do something else that weekend." Kara sighed. "Oh..I'm sorry Kara..." Alex replied. Sam and Lena quickly hugged the blonde before returning to the table. "I'll go with you Kara...if you want someone to go with you that is..." Lena replied. Kara pretends to ponder the idea in her head before speaking. "Are you free in two weeks? It's on a Saturday night so there won't be a girls night then. And you'll need a gown of some sort." Kara replied. Lena smiled as she thought about the idea of dancing with Kara at the ball. "I'm available. And I can get a gown in that time too. Can't we Sam?" Lena replied. "Of course we can! Is there a special color we'll need?" Sam asked. "Not for me. But Lena you'll need to wear something that'll complement Kara's dress blues." Alex explained.

After dinner Lena and Kara headed back to their condos for the remainder of the night. "I'm sorry about your crush being unavailable." Lena said as they stood in the elevator. "It's ok...I'm sure there will be other weekends I can talk to her." Kara replied. "So your dress blues? Are they navy blue? Or something darker?" Lena asked. "Come on Lee I'll show you." Kara replied as they walked towards Kara's place.

Kara took Lena into her bedroom and pulled out her dress blues to show her what they looked like. "Oh..ok this gives me an idea of what color to get. But won't you be sweating in them all night?" Lena asked. "No, it's gonna be outside so I'll be ok." Kara replied. "Ok...well I'm gonna head off to my place now and get some sleep. Have a good night Kara." Lena stated. "Good night Lee." Kara replied with a smile as the dark haired woman walked out of her place.

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