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By Monday morning the whole office knew that Kara was officially back on the market. Kara had been asked out thirteen times today and it was just nine o' clock in the morning. Right now she was finishing up her breakfast sandwiches she made for herself, Lena, Jess, and Sam. She sat in her office looking over the new codes she made Friday. "Hmmm..." She thought to herself as she saw a few gaps in her coding. "It appears someone has been trying to hack into the system...but who..." Kara asked herself. Pulling out her phone she texted Lena about it.

K- "Can lunch be in here today? I've got something you and Sam should look at."

L- "Of course! Is it something we need to see now?"

K- "No, this can wait till lunch.."

L- "That doesn't sound too convinced Kara...how about I come over now and we can look at it together."

K- "Ok...but only if you don't have any meetings right now."

The conversation ended and before she knew it Lena was walking into her office. "What's the problem?" Lena asked. "Someone is trying to hack into the system here. Look...I've found where they tried to access some of your personal information. I've stopped them and was able to track the where the hack was coming from. It's coming from within L Corp." Kara replied. Lena leaned over the blonde and looked at the screen. "Hmmm...I think I know where this is coming from..." Lena replied. "Want me to investigate further? Maybe get Alex involved?" Kara asked.  "Not yet...let me do some digging of my own and get Sam involved with this and then we can discuss about bringing Alex into this mess." Lena replied.

"Ok...I'll wait for you two to look into it. But I suggest we keep it between us three. The less people that know someone's trying to hack into your personal data the better." Kara replied. "I agree. I'll go tell Sam this and we'll continue this during lunch. What would you like by the way?" Lena asked. "Anything is fine with me. Maybe something from that new restaurant." Kara suggested.

"Sounds good to me! You aren't allergic to anything are you?" Lena asked. "No. Whatever you order will be fine Lee." Kara replied. "Ok! I'll see you later then." Lena replied. Once Kara was alone again she began doing a deep dive into finding this hacker. It didn't take her long to find out exactly where the person was. "The security office!" Kara exclaimed. She grabbed her laptop and rushed towards Lena's office. "Kara! What's wrong?" Lena asked. "I found them! They're in the security office!" Kara explained. "Really!" Sam exclaimed.

"But that means...it's...that new hire! Whats her name again?" Sam asked. Lena began digging through employee files to find the new security person. "Here! Her name is Lucy...Lucy Lane!  She was hired six months ago!" Lena stated as she held the file in her hands. "Lucy...that's Sara's exe wife..and Madison's new fiancé! That day I saw her here on this floor she said she was coming to see her fiancé! But her fiancé works in the security department...so what would she be doing up on the top floor?" Kara asked.

No one said a word...they were all lost in thought. Finally Sam figured it out. "She was coming to see if it was true! To see if what Lucy had told her was true about you working here and so close to the CEO. I over heard them one day when I came back with lunch. They were discussing ways to figure out a way to hurt your new career. That's when I heard Lucy say something about hacking into Lena's data and making it look like you were doing it! I don't know why it took me so long to remember that!" Sam replied.

"It's ok Sam. We know who's doing it now. I'll have her sent up here right away. Kara do you have any friends in the NCPD?" Lena asked. "I do. I know several people there." Kara replied. "Good can you call them and have them come up here too. Have them pretend to be here for a job." Lena replied. "I can do that!" Kara replied as she pulled her phone out and texted a few people letting them know what's going on. "They'll be here in ten." Kara added. "Brilliant! Ok..Sam you'll be in here to help me with the 'interviews' and Lucy will be here to 'explain the job' that's when Kara you'll remotely show the hacking she's done and the information she's gone through and thats when your friends can arrest her. And I'll be pressing all the charges I can." Lena added. Everyone nodded and returned to their work.

A few minutes later Kara's friends John Jones and Maggie Sawer appeared in Lena's office along with Lucy Lane. "You called for me Miss Luthor?" Lucy asked her voice shaking. "Yes! I've just been doing some interviews with Miss Sawer and Mr Jones here and they asked me what exactly the job is like. So I called for you to explain to them what the job is like." Lena replied. Once everyone was seated they began talking about the 'job'.

Lena quickly sent a text to Kara telling her to begin showing the hacking. "What's that?" Sam asked acting confused as things popped up on the screen. "Hmm looks like something is hacking our system!" Lena exclaimed. "Call Kara! She'll be able to find them." Sam replied. Lena quickly called Kara who came in a few minutes later. "I was able to find out where the hacker is. It's someone in the security office." Kara explained. John and Maggie shared a look. "Who would be doing that?" Lucy asked nonchalantly. "I have a way to find that out too. Just give me a few..." Kara was cut off by the sudden sound of someone sobbing. "It was me! I didn't want to do it! But Madison asked me to look into you Miss Luthor. She said something about you getting too close to Kara....so I began looking into your personal information. Even after I tried to tell her that Kara was able to do whatever and who ever she wanted...she wouldn't listen. I'm sorry! When I found out some details I stoped...I was trying to erase my mistakes when Kara found me." Lucy explained.

Lena looked at her then at the cops. "Take her away..." Was all Lena said. "I'm sorry...Madison has the physical files at her apartment." Lucy added. "Thank you guys!" Kara replied as John and Maggie walked Lucy out. "Well thats over. She may get off on a deal but at least she won't be allowed back here again. Now I need to find a new security guard." Lena groaned. "You'll find one. And in the meantime I can do it...from my office if you like?" Kara suggested. "Would you really?" Lena asked. "Of course! I'm already doing cyber security...this will be easy. And I'll even bring Sirius along...in case there's any mysterious things coming through." Kara replied. "You know...someone with a dog would be a good idea. And Kara could help you find a few replacements." Sam replied. "You're right. I'll start looking today. I still have some good people down there so it's not a necessity right now..." Lena added. "Ok...well I'm gonna get back to my office. I'll see you two later." Kara replied before she walked out the door.

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