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Later that night everyone has gathered at Kara's for girl night. Obviously Lena was the first one there, quickly followed by Alex and Sam. Sara came through the door next, followed by Jess and Sam's assistant Ashley. Last to arrive was Andrea who quickly apologized to Kara for being late. "It's ok really Andrea..we just ordered some food. Hope you like pizza!" Kara replied. "Love pizza! I actually brought some wine..it's why I'm late. Had to make a stop on the way here." Andrea replied. "Oh ok. You can put it over there on the coffee table." Kara replied.

Kara goes to the sofa where Sirius lay near. "You...you have a dog?" Andrea asked looking at Sirius with wide eyes. "Yea. I thought I told you. Does he make you uncomfortable?" Kara asked. "No..I just never been around one so large." Andrea replied. Kara suddenly move her hand and Sirius walked into her bedroom. "Where did you send him Kar?" Lena asked. "Bedroom Andrea was apprehensive of him bing so 'large' so I gave him a command." Kara replied. "Get over yourself Andrea. Sirius is a good boy. He wouldn't hurt a fly. Kar can you get him back here?" Lena asked. Kara nodded and snapped her fingers causing Sirius to bound into the room quickly before laying at Kara's feet. "See. He's a good boy! Aren't you Sirius." Lena cooed as she patted his back.

After having enough pats from Lena, Sirius walks over to Sara who gladly begins petting him. "If it wasn't for this guy none of us would have made it out of that hell hole. Sirius is a real life saver." Sara explained. "Pizza's here!" Sam says. "Here! And there's enough for the tip too." Kara said handing Sam some cash. "Kara...I thought it was my turn to get girls night food?" Len asked. "I have no idea what you're talking about Lee!" Kara replied with a smirk on her face. "Oh! That's it! I'm gonna pay for the next lunches! No arguing!" Lena replied with a smirk.

Sam set the pizzas down as Kara went to grab plates and more glasses. When she turned around she was met with Andrea mere inches from her face. "You've been avoiding me Kara...I even tried to make you jealous last night when you wouldn't dance with me again..so tell me why you don't like me?" Andrea asked. "Listen very carefully! You are not my type!" Kara replied before she moved to leave the kitchen Andrea pulled her in for a kiss. Wide blue eyes stared at the other woman. Suddenly Andrea was being pulled away from her. Kara was still shocked and disgusted at what happened. "Get out! And don't come back!" Alex and Lena growled together. Kara turned away still in shock at what had just happened when she felt hands on her shoulders.

"You ok?" Lena whispered. Kara only nodded before passing the stuff to Alex. "I've got to go..." Kara replied quickly before calling for Sirius and walking out her door. Everyone stared at her as she left. "What happened?" Jess asked looking at Lena. "Andrea kissed her...Kara freaked out and well she needs some air." Alex replied. "We should go.." Sara said looking at everyone. "Yea..take some pizza with you.." Alex replied. Slowly one by one everyone left except Lena who said she'd clean things up before Kara got back. "Are you sure?" Sam asked. "Yea...I'll be fine. Just gonna clean things up, pour out the wine Andrea brought and wait for Kara to come back." Lena replied.

After finding her head Kara made it back to her place with Sirius in toe. Upon opening her door she found only Lena sitting on the sofa with what looked like a fresh box of pizza and a new bottle of wine. "Lena? You stayed?" Kara asked sounding shocked. "Yea. I sent everyone home and well Alex had to go anyways to prepare for her FBI thingy...so it's just you and me...unless you want some alone time?" Lena asked. Kara shook her head and joined Lena on the sofa. "I'm sorry you and Alex had to see that..." Kara stated. "It's not your fault. Andrea crossed a line. I saw the shock on your face." Lena replied. "Yea...it made me feel disgusting. It ruined girls night. I'm sorry for that Lee." Kara replied. "Hey! It's ok, they'll be other Saturdays we can hang out any time." Lena replied.

"Yea...you're right...I just had plans for this one.." Kara said her voice wavering. "Plans? What plans Kara?" Lena asked. "Oh..nothing really...I'll just do it another time." Kara replied as she grabbed a slice of pizza and began eating it. "Ok. Can I get a hint?" Lena asked. "You know..you should have been a reporter...you always want to know the story is behind everything. I suppose a hint wouldn't hurt..heck I could probably do it now..." Kara replied as she pulled out her papers with the criteria on them.  Lena watched as Kara stood up and tore the papers up in front her.  "There...no more criteria...no more list of what I want in a 'perfect' woman. No more any of it. Starting Monday I'm gonna start being myself. No more hiding behind my mask. I'm gonna be just regular Kara Danvers...single lesbian...with a dog!" Kara replied.

Lena wanted nothing more than to kiss the blonde right now..but she stopped herself. Kara sat down again and continued eating pizza. "Good for you Kara! I'm proud of you!" Lena replied. Both woman laughed whole heartedly as they continued eating the food and began watching some trash television. All the while Lena was thinking of a way to show Kara that she was still interested in as more than friends and employee.

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