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They spent Sunday afternoon taking about different things about each other before parting ways after ordering take out for dinner. "I'll see you tomorrow!" Lena said. "Lunch? My office or yours?" Kara asked. "Mine, it's bigger and Sam will be there." Lena replied. "What would you like?" Kara asked. "Surprise me!" Lena replied as the elevator doors shut. Kara went into her condo and cleaned up the kitchen and living room before going to bed that night.

Come morning Kara went about her normal routine even making two burritos for her and Lena. It was easier now that on Monday's they rode into work together to save time since they both liked getting into work early. Kara was just finishing up wrapping the burritos up when Lena knocked on her door. "It's open Lee!" Kara called as she put the burritos into a bag. "Good morning!" Lena called as she came into the kitchen. "Morning Lee! Sleep well?" Kara asked. "Yes. And look! I can walk today!" Lena replied teasingly. "Come on..let's go, coffee stop?" Kara asked as she locked her door. "You know it! My treat this time." Lena replied.

They got into Kara's jeep and headed to the coffee shop drive through. Lena paid this time around and Kara knew better than to argue with Lena now. A few minutes later they were in the elevator heading to their offices. "I'll see you at noon." Kara said as they parted ways. "I look forward to it." Lena replied as she headed to her office. Jess sat at her desk when Lena walked by. "Good morning Lena! When do you plan on telling Kara that you're in love with her?" The assistant asked. "What?" Lena asked. "Lena..I've worked for you for a long time now...and ever since Kara got hired on you have been really happy. Heck I've been happy! She brings lunch almost every day and even gets me something too. And now your neighbors and you ride into work together, you spend time together outside of work...I'm just wondering when you're gonna confess your feelings for her?" Jess asked.

Lena was taken back by this. "I'm not sure if she's ready for that." Lena replied. "I understand. Oh Miss Rojas will be here at lunch for a meeting with you. Shall I tell Kara that lunch is canceled?" Jess asked. "No...she always buys extra food so I'm sure everything will be ok." Lena replied as she went into her office and shut the door. Kara sat behind her desk and opened her computer and began working on updating the software systems for the building.

As she typed away her thoughts were filled with Lena. Something about Lena was intriguing to her, however no matter how much she thought about her she couldn't figure out what it was. They'd spent a lot of time together as of late, spending time in and out of work, even spending nights at each other's places. Before she realized it was getting to become afternoon. Kara pulled her phone out and quickly placed an order for five Italian dishes. She made sure to get everyone's favorite including Jess's shrimp scampi, and Lena's eggplant parmigiana.

Once the order was placed she returned to work. Making code wasn't difficult not in the sense that she found it hard, no it was just exhausting on her mind. Having to remember what to put where in the system was annoying. However it did take her mind off Lena even if only for a moment. The sudden knocking on her door pulled her out of her thoughts as she opened it to see the delivery boy. "Thanks keep the change." Kara said handing him a twenty dollar tip. "Thanks!" He said with a grin as he left for the elevator.

Kara grabbed the food and headed to Lena's office first. "Good afternoon Jess! How's my favorite assistant?" Kara asked. "I'm good Kara, hows the new codes coming along?" Jess asked as Kara sat her food down. "Boring as usual, but I'll be done by the end of the week. Here's your shrimp scampi, is it ok to go in?" Kara asked looking towards Lena's door. "Yes! Lena and Sam are already in there." Jess replied. "Have a good day Jess!" Kara replied as she walked over to Lena's door knocking on it.

"It's open Kar!" Lena's voice called. "Hey Lee...Sam...oh...I didn't know anyone else was gonna hear. Nonetheless I bought an extra meal." Kara said as she sat down on the sofa. "You must be Kara! I'm Andrea Rojas. It's a pleasure to meet you." The brunette said. "Your company makes military equipment. I know exactly who you are! There isn't a Marine alive who doesn't know who Andrea Rojas is...especially when you are in basic with the younger sister of said Andrea Rojas." Kara gushed as she shook the woman's hand with a smile on her face.

"Oh my goodness! Your her! Your Gunnery Sargent Kara Danvers! You saved my little sister's life! How do you like working here?" Andra asked as she sat opposite her. "It's great! I love making code here. Plus the friendship is nice." Kara said as Lena sat next to her. "I bet! Ashley always said you were a great friend. She talks about you all the time." Andrea replied. A hint a jealously come over Lena as she leaned in to Kara to get a container of food. "Oh this is yours Lee, eggplant parmigiana, and this is yours Sammy shrimp scampi. And this is garlic knots and Andrea are staying for lunch? I have an extra dish of chicken Alfredo here." Kara said passing her a dish. "Thank you Kara. Do you all do this every day?" Andrea asked. "Yea just about...oh that reminds me girls night is gonna be at mine this Saturday, hope thats ok with everyone." Lena stated. "Fine with me!" Kara and Sam said together. "We still on for Friday night?" Sam asked. "Of course! I believe it's my turn to buy rounds this time." Sam said.

"What's Friday night? And why is Sam buying rounds?" Andrea asked. "Friday's our night to go to Al's bar. We drink, we dance, we talk about anything but work." Sam explained. "And if a new person comes along they buy the first round." Lena added. "Well this sounds fun!" Andrea stated. "You wanna come?" Sam asked. "Sure why not..what time do you go?" Andrea asked. "We usually get there around six...that's time we got there last time Kar?" Lena asked. "Yea, wanna meet at mine and go from there?" Kara asked. "Yes...sounds good." Lena replied.

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