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Half way through the meal Sara noticed that the friend Kara was talking about liking her was Lena. And Sara could see that Kara was fighting internally with her feelings for the woman. "So has Kara made you her famous breakfast burritos yet?" Sara asked. "Oh yes she has. They're really good." Lena replied. "I wouldn't know...I haven't had one yet." Sam groaned. "I'll make you one soon ok.." Kara replied. "You haven't lived till she's made you one out of a MRE in the middle of hell." Sara replied. "MRE? Aren't those really gross?" Lena asked. "They are..generally..but Kara here can make even the grossest of one taste gourmet!" Sara replied.

"I sense there's a story here? Do tell...." Sam replied. "It was two days before our accident. We were in our bunks getting mentally prepared to go on route when Kara comes in with a whole mess of burrito MRE's. She says 'Hey guys! Let's try this one out! We'll be eating these bad boys for a while in the new camp may as well test it out now.' We all obviously agree to it knowing that Kara snitched some spices from the mess...so she began making them.. a few minutes later they were finished, Kara handed everyone a couple and watched as we ate them. They were so dang delicious! Best concoction of a MRE I've ever had in the hell zone." Sara replied.

"Kara Danvers! I can't believe you stole spices!" Lena groaned as she gently slapped her arm. "Hey... they never said a word about it! Besides I wasn't the only one who snagged stuff. Now...how'd you like the pizza?" Kara asked. "It's really good Kara! Does Alex cook like this?" Sam asked. "Not really...I'm the one who cooked when we bunked together in the first apartment we shared. Alex does microwave well though." Kara replied. "Damn..is it too late to start dating you?" Sam asked. "Yea...it is. You're with my sister...and we only shared our things as kids." Kara replied with smile. "Damn it!" Sam groaned.

"Well...I'm off Kara..I've got some more people to see. It was nice to see you again, and it was nice to meet you both as well." Sara stated. "It was nice to see you too Sara! Don't be a stranger now!" Kara called as the blonde left the condo. "Want som help with the dishes?" Sam asked as she walked into the kitchen behind Kara. "No...I got it..." Kara replied. "Oh are you sure?" Sam asked. "Yea...you should get back to work shouldn't you, meetings and all." Kara replied. "Oh yea...right...see you tomorrow.." Sam replied.

Lena came into the kitchen and helped Kara with the dishes even with the protests from the blonde. "So how does the new leg feel?" Lena asked trying to make conversation. "It feels great. A little rubbery but I guess that's the 'skin' part. So was the pizza really good? I haven't made it in a little while." Kara asked. "It was really delicious! You outdid yourself Kara, really. So you were saying about some coding you wanted to go over?" Lena asked looking at the blonde. "Oh yes! It's on my laptop in the living room. Come I'll show you." Kara replied.

They headed into the living room and sat side by side on the sofa. Kara unlocked her tablet and began tapping away on it. "See this is what I found when I did a deep dive into the rest of your security system at L Corp. Did you know that a lot of the security cameras aren't working properly..or weren't till I tweaked some things." Kara explained. "No...I didn't." Lena replied as she watched the blondes hands tapped away vigorously. "So you've been working for me for less than two months and you've fixed all these problems?" Lena asks. "Yes. Why do you look so shocked?" Kara asked.

"I...do you plan on leaving the company after all the protests are fixed? Cause if so I'll give you a hefty raise to stay!" Lena exclaimed. "Oh...I'm not gonna leave the company...unless you fire me....I like working there. And there's always a chance that something could happen and I'll have to fix it...and who else would make you breakfast burritos in the morning?" Kara asked teasingly. "Is that all you make for breakfast on the go?" Lena asked. "Oh no... I can make breakfast tacos, breakfast sandwiches, breakfast smoothies, whatever you like." Kara replied. "Really? Hmm? Are you coming in to work tomorrow?" Lena asked. "Yes...why what would you like for breakfast Lee?" Kara asked. "Hmmm maybe a sandwich. By the way what did you do with the leftover pizza?" Lena asked. "Oh well there was only two slices left so I packaged them up and will bring them tomorrow for Jess's lunch since she missed them today." Kara replied.

"That's really sweet of you Kara. So now that we're both finished for the day..what would you like to do?" Lena asked. "Hmm I'm not sure. We could go walk Sirius if you're up for it?" Kara suggested. "Sure! Let me go change real quick and I'll be right back." Lena said as she stood up to leave. "Ok! I'll meet you back here then." Kara replied with a smile. "Ok! I'll be back in a few minutes." Lena said as she left.

A few minutes late Lena came back wearing a pair of shorts, tank top and sneakers. "I'm all set! Are you two ready?" Lena asked. "Yep just got Sirius's booties on so he doesn't burn his pads." Kara replied as they headed out the door after she locked it up. They walked onto the elevator and rode it down to the main floor where they walked out and began walking down the sidewalk together. As they walked Lena was quick to notice how many woman stared at Kara and smiled to themselves. Some even came right up to her and hit on her. "No thanks. I'm not interested in any relationship." Kara would tell them and they'd walk off in a huff. Lena couldn't help but laugh at their reactions as they walked along together.

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