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"So? What do you have planned for today?" Lena asked as they ate breakfast. "I have several apartments to look at. I hope by the time I get done I'll have one set up so I can move out of Alex's place. What about you?" Kara asked. "I don't have any plans. It's Saturday even a CEO takes the weekend off. Where are these apartments?" Lena asked. Kara withdrew a folded piece of paper from her pocket and passed it to Lena. Opening it she examined it carefully she read the list of addresses before looking up at Kara. "These are close by. If you want some company I'd be glad to go with you." Lena replied. Kara didn't respond right away. She just looked at Lena closely trying to see if she had some kind of hidden agenda. "Yea ok. That would be nice." Kara replied.

Lena smiled at Kara as more butterflies danced around in her stomach. "Alright! I'll do the dishes and we can go." Lena replied. Kara packed up her stuff up and waited for Lena to dry her hands on towel. "All set?" Kara asked. "Yep!" Lena replied with a smile. They headed back to where Kara parked her jeep and hopped in and headed to the first one. Unbeknownst to them at the same time they were leaving the car garage Alex was driving Sam back to her place.

"Look! It's Kara and Lena! She did stay there last night!" Sam exclaimed pointing at the jeep. Alex turned her head to look. "HOLY FUCK!" Alex shouted as they passed by. "Maybe Kara got her groove back." Sam replied cheekily. "She probably sleep on the sofa. I'm sure they'll tell you all about it Monday." Alex replied as they continued driving. "Probably..." Sam replied.

"So will you be taking Sirius with you when you move?" Lena asked. "Yes. He's gonna be with me. I've already made arrangements to take him to a doggy daycare of sorts, while I'm at work." Kara replied. "Oh...is he friendly with other dogs?" Lena asked. "Yes. It's people he doesn't usually like. Mostly men with beards though." Kara replied. "So do you not eat out much?" Lena asked. "Not really I try to avoid it when I can. Being in the Marines for so long I got sick of MRE's so I learned to cook when I was on leave. It comes in handy once in a while. But with working longer hours I'll probably be ordering out more often." Kara replied.

"You'll have to tell me what your exercise regiment is. I've seen the way you put a pizza and Chinese food away. How do you stay so fit?" Lena asked as they pulled into the parking spot of the first apartment. "I'll tell you but I don't think you could handle it." Kara stated. "Why's that? How hard is it?" Lena asked now curious. Kara sighed as they got out of the vehicle. "To warm up I run eight miles, then I lift weights for about an hour, then I do some more cardio which consists of  a little bit of everything. My exercise routine lasts around four hours that includes my cooldown." Kara replied. Len looked shocked. "Told you. But if you think you can handle it we can give the running a go tomorrow." Kara added.

"Uh...you go running alone?" Lena asked. Kara shook her head before speaking. "No Sirius goes with me and Alex on some occasions. So it's up to you if you ant to go." Kara replied as they walked into the building. "You must be Miss Danvers! Hi! I'm Andrea Rojas the realtor." A woman said. She had long brown hair with hazel eyes. She was slim, and wore a pencil skirt and buttoned blouse with matching heels on her feet. Kara extended her hand and shook the other woman's all while Lena shot daggers at her. "Yes that's me! Pleasure to meet you! This is my uh..friend Lena, she's tagging along. Make sure I get a nice place and all." Kara explained. Andrea nodded as she opened the door to the one bedroom apartment.

After Andrea explained about the apartment she stepped aside to let Kara and Lena look over things. "It's nice!" Lena said as they looked around the bedroom. "Ya think? I don't know...I'm not sure my furniture will fit." Kara replied. "You already have furniture?" Lena asked sounding shocked. "Oh yes...It's in storage at my mom's place. And this living room is too small for the sofa and chairs." Kara replied. "Goodness Kara! How big of a living room do you need? Or do you throw a lot of parties? Because if you do...I want an invite to every one of them." Lena stated.

"If by parties you mean an every weekend girls night with my sister, and some friends that come into town just for that....then ok. You and Sam both can come to girls night." Kara explained. "Do you host holidays too?" Lena asked. "No. Al and I go back home for those. What about you?" Kara asked. "I....I work most of them. No family to go home to." Lena replied sadly. "Well that's changing! This year you and Sam will come to Midvale with Alex and myself! For both Thanksgiving and Christmas! And no...I won't take no for an answer." Kara exclaimed.

"What do you ladies think of this place?" Andrea asked. "It's amazing but I'd like to see the rest of them before making a proper decision."  Kara replied. "Ok then! Shall we go to the next one." Andrea asked smiling at Kara warmly. "Let's go! Come on Lee! After this I'll buy you lunch!" Kara added as they walked out.

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