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It was nearing midnight when Lena left her office to go home. On the way out she saw Kara's light still on. Curiosity took over as she went to knock on her door. "Come in!" Kara replied. "Kara? It's almost midnight! Why are you still here?" Lena asked. Kara looked worn out..she looked like she'd been crying about something. "Shit! I should go! Alex is probably panicking by now!" Kara exclaimed. "Relax! I'll wait for you, we can walk out together." Lena replied with a smile. Kara just looked at her. "You don't have to...I'm sure you'd rather go home and spend time with someone." Kara replied. "There's no one waiting for me at my place, besides my scotch and my bed. Now come on let me walk you to your car." Lena stated.

Kara shook her head as she packed her bag up and left the office. "Ok..you win..." Kara replied as they walked towards the elevator. The car garage was pitch black, the only lights were flickering in the distance. Kara pulled out her flashlight as they walked through the garage. "Where's your car?" Kara asked. "My drivers home now. So I'll call him." Lena replied. "Don't bother. I'll take you home." Kara replied. "Are you sure?" Lena asked. "Of course, now come on my jeeps here." Kara replied as they walked together.

"Thank you for this Kara. I normally don't work late, but I had some stuff to catch up on. Why were you here so late?" Lena asked. "I had some things to do." Kara replied. "Why do you look so upset? Did something happen? Bad news?" Lena asked looking at the blonde. "No..nothing like that..I just began to realize something, thats all. Are you ready?" Kara asked. "Yea...all set." Lena replied with a smile.

Kara pulled out of the garage and followed Lena's directions to her place. As they drove Kara heard Lena's stomach growling. "Hungry?" Kara asked. "I can wait.." Lena replied. "You don't have to. I know a good place to eat, it's open 24/7. Come on...my treat." Kara replied as she pulled on to a side street where a diner sat. Kara parked her car and held the door open for Lena both the Jeep door and the diner door. "This is a quaint little place." Lena stated. "That it is..." Kara replied.

They took seats at a booth and placed their orders. "How did you know about this place?" Lena asked. "Alex brought me here after Madison left. We had gotten wasted at Al's dive bar and walked here to eat our weight in pancakes and chocolate milkshakes. Then we passed out on her bed. It was the most fun I've had fun since everything." Kara admitted. Lena couldn't help but laugh at the blonde. "That's great! That's a wonderful story!" Lena stated.

The door swung open and in walked Madison and her fiancé. Lena saw Kara's face change instantly, that caused her to turn her head. "Do you want to go?" Lena asked. "No, I'm ok. And besides we just started eating. And besides what type of a friend would I be if I made you rush through your midnight bacon cheeseburger." Kara replied smiling at the dark haired woman. "You'd be a pretty terrible friend if you separated me and my burger." Lena replied with a smile. Kara tipped her head back and laughed at Lena who was biting her burger.

That was enough to get Madison to turn her head towards them. Maddison's hazel eyes glared at Lena and Kara before she decided to speak. "Kara? On a date? How interesting! Looks like you finally got put back together again." Madison sneered. Kara didn't respond, she didn't even have time to cause Lena jumped up and slapped her across the face. "You are here by banned from L Corp!" Lena exclaimed. "And who the hell are you to say that?" Madison asked. "I'm your fiancé's boss! I'm the CEO! What I say goes! Now I suggest you get your food and leave before your fiancé needs to find another job!" Lena snapped.

"Looks like you got a new guard dog Kara...I doubt she'll stay long when she sees how broken you really are!" Madison sneered. "Leave! And if you ever say another word to my employee I'll have your name blackballed from every company in the United States!" Lena growled. Madison grabbed her bags and left the diner. "Lena...are you ok?" Kara asked standing up now. "You ask if I'm ok? She belittled you and you ask me if I'm ok? Kara Danvers...you are something else. But yes, I am ok. Are you ok?" Lena asked. "I'm fine. I got used to her saying stuff like that. I'm more worried about your hand. It's gonna bruise." Kara replied.

They sat there and finished eating their meals making small talk. Lena was curious about what Kara had said about her being used to the words Madison said. "What do you mean, you are used to what she said?" Lena asked. "Well..when we first got together she was nice and sweet and everything. We'd talk for hours about everything and nothing...then I got deployed for two years. We still talked every chance we got, but it seemed something was different with her. She began to act stand offish, I'd ask her something and when I asked her she'd snap at me and then say something like 'I'm tired...I'm going to bed..' which at first I never found odd because it was late in the evening at first. But then she'd say she was going to bed at seven...and six...one day I called her and I swear I heard her talking to someone off camera. So I asked her about it....and she said it was an old college friend." Kara took a pause to eat more of her burgers.

"Well after that two weeks went by with no contact what so ever...then another month...and when she did contact me she apologized a lot for being busy with work...so I accepted it and went on with my missions...kill a bad guy here...need a sniper on that roof... the works..." Again Kara took another pause to collect her thoughts this time. "That was two weeks before the incident. The day of the incident Madison called early in the morning to say that she wanted to talk about something. I told her I'd be back in a few hours and we could talk then. And well you know the rest. It was Alex who did some digging into Madison's internet activity and found out that one week after I left she was involved with her now fiancé. However...I never knew it till I woke up in the hospital when Madison came. That's when I put everything together." Kara explained.

"I am so sorry you had to go through all that!" Lena cooed. "Thanks...it's ok...yes seeing her today made me upset...and then just now added to those feelings...but like I said...therapy and Alex have helped me move on. Maybe one day...I'll even be able to date again.." Kara replied with a smile. Lena smiled back in return. Kara got up and paid for their meals before holding the door open for Lena. They got into the jeep and continued on their way to Lena's place.

"Thanks for the food, and the ride home. Are you and Alex still going to that bar tomorrow night?" Lena asked. "Yea, why?" Kara asked looking at Lena closely. "Then I'll guess I'll see you there. Thank you again Kara. Have a safe drive home." Lena said as she got out of the jeep grabbing her bag as she went. Kara watched her walk up the steps to the building when she saw something out the corner or her eye. Kara jumped out of the car and ran over to the thing causing Lena to jump at the quick movement.

"Get up!" Kara demanded. "Sorry Geesh! Didn't know she had a girlfriend! I just got told to come take pictures of her!" The scrawny man exclaimed. "Go! Get! And don't come back here!" Kara shouted. The man nodded quickly and ran away as fast as he could. "Kara? You alright?" Lena asked as she hurried to the blonde. "I'm fine. Are you ok?" Kara asked. "I'm ok...thank you again...I hate paparazzi!" Lena replied. This time Kara walked her to her penthouse door before returning to her car and driving home.

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