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The morning light shined brightly into the spare room that next morning. Lena woke up with a terrible headache and some embarrassing memories of the night before she prayed were fake. She sat up and saw the drink and tablets. "She's a life saver." Lena whispered to herself as she swallowed the tablets before stumbling to the bathroom.

Kara had been up for a couple of hours already, she'd walked Sirius and showered and dressed. Even went to Lena's place and grabbed some clothes for the dark haired woman to change into after a shower. Now she was preparing a post hangover breakfast for Lena that consisted of pancakes and sausages to soak up the alcohol that was left over. A few minutes later Lena emerged from the guest bedroom with a confused expression on her face. "Your...up...and perky...too perky...for me...is that food?" Lena asked. "Yes Lee its food. Sit eat." Kara stated as she passed over a large cup of black coffee. "You're a godsend Kara! I envy who ever you start dating..." Lena replied softly. Kara only smiled into her mug before she sat opposite her.

Lena ate the pile of pancakes and sausages not even caring about the amount of calories. "Did...did I say anything stupid last night?" Lena asked. "What do you remember?" Kara asked setting her cup down. "Dancing...seeing you dance with Andrea...getting mad that you danced with her..." Lena took a pause as her face turned ghostly white as she remembered the car ride here. She looked up at Kara who was smirking at her. "Oh my goodness! I am so very sorry for actually like that!" Lena exclaimed.

"You were drunk..I'm just surprised you can remember that at all. I'm not upset by the way. And we can talk about it whenever you're ready...no pressure..." Kara replied. "Oh ok...um...I'm gonna go shower...would you mind if I borrowed some clothes?" Lena asked. "Oh I went to your place and got you a bag of clothes to choose from. It's in the spare room." Kara replied. "Thank you!" Lena replied as she hurried away. Kara smiled to herself as she washed the dishes before sitting on the sofa with Sirius at her feet.

A few minutes later Lena came out in a pair of shorts and a tshirt with bare feet. "Feeling better?" Kara asked. "Yea.. I know I've said this a bunch already but thank you again." Lena replied. "It's no problem at all Lee." Kara replied. "So what do you need to get done before girls night tonight?" Lena asked. "Not much really. Mentally prepare to hang out with everyone but that's about it." Kara replied. "Mentally prepare?" Lena asked. "Not because of you...but because Sam invited Andrea and Alex invited Sara along. So now I just got to think about what to make for everyone, what would you like Lee?" Kara asked.

"Uh...whatever you want I guess..I don't know if I'll be here." Lena replied. "What why?" Kara replied. "It doesn't matter...I should go anyways...I've already embarrassed myself enough for one weekend." Lena replied she rushed out the door bag of clothes in hand. "Lena! Wait! Please talk to me! If this is about what you said last night...I'm not mad about it! I promise! You can stay as long as you want." Kara yelled. Lena stopped just short of the elevator and looked back at Kara.

The blonde looked upset at the fact that she was leaving. Lena waked back over to Kara and looked at her before speaking. "I'm gonna go wash my clothes and come back after a while. I...I...need time to think about what I said last night...is that ok?" Lena asked. "Yea...take all the time you need Lee." Kara replied before turning around and walking into her condo shutting the door. Lena felt her heart break as she watch Kara disappear inside the condo. She knew that she messed up big time now. She had to do something to fix things with Kara. She just didn't know how to go about it.

Once Kara was alone she changed into some shorts and sneakers before putting on Sirius's boots and heading out the door to go for a walk. Once outside she began walking down the side walk trying to think of what she did wrong to have Lena not want to hang out with her. Lost in her own world she completely missed the brunette approaching her. "Hey there! I've seen you around her before...do you live around here?" The woman asked. "Uh..what sorry..." Kara replied. "It's ok...I asked if you lived around here." The woman replied. "Oh yea.. I live up there in that building why do you ask." Kara asked. "Just curious...maybe sometime we can get drinks together or something." The woman replied. Kara looked at her with a blank face before replying. "No thanks...I..I'm seeing someone." Kara replied. "Oh...well ok then.." The woman replied as she walked off.

Kara continued walking and thinking about what she just said. 'I'm not dating anyone...and I probably won't be for a long time now...god why am I so stupid?' She asked herself as they rounded the block and began heading back to her place. 'Lena confesses her feelings...drunkenly but still...then she leaves like I have some kind of deadly disease...then I turn down a cute brunette...what is wrong with you Danvers...your never this foolish around women.' She scolded herself for letting herself catch feelings for her boss so quickly as she walked back into the elevator again. The ride up to her floor was longer than usual. Or at least it felt that way to Kara. "Come on boy...let's go get you a biscuit and I'll call Alex to see who's actually coming tonight." Kara replied as she entered her condo.

Meanwhile up in Lena's condo she was a wreck. She sat on her sofa and began sobbing into her hands. "I really fucked it up..." Lena groaned as she wiped her eyes slowly. "Maybe it'll be good to talk about it things....maybe I'll just go down there and kiss her... see what happens?" Lena asked herself as she stood up and walked to her bedroom and packed some extra clothes knowing she wouldn't be coming back tonight. Once she was ready she left her condo and headed to the elevator.

As soon as the elevator opened she was surprised to see Kara standing there. "Kara..." Lena exclaimed. "Lee! I was coming to talk.." Kara replied. "I was heading to yours to talk too..." Lena replied. "Well shall we go back? Or somewhere else? Or here?" Kara asked. "Your place is fine." Lena replied. "Extra clothes?" Kara asked. "Yea...I know that they'll be a lot of alcohol flowing around so I figured this way I'll be ready." Lena replied. "So..um..." Kara replied as the elevator dinged again.

"Yea...I..uh...yea...I'll do better not to um throw my emotions at you." Lena replied. "Lena like I said you were drunk...it's fine. I just got back from a walk...and turned down a brunette who asked me to get drinks..." Kara replied. "Oh? Did she not fit your criteria?" Lena asked teasingly. "Uh...thats one way to put it...I lied to her..." Kara replied. "Oh??"  Lena asked shocked. "Yep... told her I was already involved with someone...so I guess she didn't fit that stupid paper. You know I wrote that after I got released from the hospital...I had to do something to get my anger out so I put down a list of random things I wanted in a woman." Kara explained. "Oh..so that list is ridiculous then?" Lena asked. "Pretty much..." Kara replied and they both burst out laughing.

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